Basic principles
As part of its autonomy, UAS Technikum Wien takes responsibility for the quality of its services and is accountable to the public in this regard. Quality creates trust and is a decisive factor for the reputation and positioning of an institution of higher learning in the national and international higher education and research sector.
Ensuring and developing the quality of services
UAS Technikum Wien is committed to the basic principle of continuously ensuring and developing the quality of its services. The quality of the institution has already been established and the goal is to further develop this quality using an evidence-based approach. For UAS Technikum Wien, quality management is not an end in itself, but a means to achieving objectives in an effective and efficient way and reflecting upon the objectives themselves on an ongoing basis.
The central tasks of UAS Technikum Wien are
- to provide a practice-oriented higher education that meets both economic demands and the needs of students, and
- to conduct applied research and development that promotes social progress and entrepreneurial innovation potential.
Accordingly, the members of the faculty and research staff as well as the students are actively involved in value creation. They are supported in the completion of their core tasks by numerous processes at the level of the institution’s administration, service units and infrastructure.
Quality management system
The completion of the tasks described above places high demands on the institution’s internal system of quality management and development.
At UAS Technikum Wien, a strong culture of quality and communication that is shared by the institution’s administration, staff and students is considered to be an essential requirement for the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal quality management system. Quality is seen not as something achieved by individuals acting on an isolated basis, but as the result of the cooperation between many people in the various organizational units.
Obligation and trust
Accordingly, UAS Technikum Wien’s quality management system is designed to be context-specific. It takes the institution’s organizational structure, organizational culture and profile into account and is integrated into a leadership culture that is based on a balanced relationship between obligation and trust. This leadership culture allows autonomous, self-motivated people to enjoy a high degree of freedom while still being bound to the objectives of UAS Technikum Wien.
Accountability through quality development
The internal quality management system of UAS Technikum Wien incorporates external national and international requirements and is based on the principle of “accountability through quality development”. It is aimed at combining all of the individual activities in instruction, research, management and service into a coherent whole. The quality management system helps the institution’s administration, staff and students to analyze, reflect upon and develop the quality of their performance and processes.
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Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance