What is it about?
Would you have known that the basis for Bluetooth technology was developed by the Austrian Hedy Lamarr? Many people don’t know this technology pioneer at all, or only from her acting career.
We want equal rights. In professional life, too! Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT) still look very male today. But these fields are important for actively shaping the future and society. For this reason, there are many STEM girls’ programs around the world.
At the same time, people with mother tongues other than German are often discriminated against in the job market. Therefore, it is even more important to specifically support girls at this interface.
We would like to help you with this and show you what professions are available and how to find your way into such professions. Girls and women are important in helping to shape the future in these areas. And it’s important that we make this visible and talk about it. So that the Hedy Lamarr of this generation will be known first for her groundbreaking inventions.
What we offer:
Who we are:
The project is carried out in cooperation with the FHTW and the girls’ center *peppa and is financed by the Austrian Fund for the Empowerment and Promotion of Women and Girls Let‘s empower Austria.

Mariella Müller
Project Lead

Stefanie Lietze

Gerd Chr. Krizek
Lead Summer Camp & Learning Help
Melina Klaus
*peppa Lead
Shiva Pollmann