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DI Gerda Huber

Gerda Huber

Job Description:

UX Designerin

My educational path:

Neusprachliches Gymnasium (modern languages) in Vienna, then study of Informatics at TU Vienna

Spent some years as a software developer at various big companies.
After participation in a usability test I switched to that area. I did a lot of own research and gathered experience through evaluations in various domains, development of prototypes, doing interface design – again in various big companies.

2021 I started at UAS Technikum Wien to share all that gathered knowledge (and to gather more through research)

What makes it interesting for me?

My topic (create things in a way the users gain something from it) serves as a guiding thread through diverse topics and areas of application. Insurances, call-center-software, edicational software, operation of devices or machines, web applications, ticket machines.

Why do I work in this job?

In my own way I help easing people’s lives (users and project members).
I am continuously learning and offer valuable contributions to all those projects.

Why me?

Because I am an inherently curious person, quickly find my way around new topics (domains, applications) and love research. Because I work well with teams (people).

What would make this job even better?

If there  were more awareness that there is a big set of methods and approaches  that support the development process, help to focus it more and in the  end also help the product to be well-received.
 If ethics would be  taken more into consideration when applying UX methods (no more dark  patters, no slide of persuasive designs down into manipulative designs)

This is the advice I would give to my 15 year old self:

Do not plan your life to the last detail, use chances. In nearly every topic there is something interesting, something worth discovering.