DI Ursula Knaack, MSc

Job Description:
Mechatronics / Robotics Engineer
My educational path:
- Graduation in the English-language branch of the BG/BRG St.Martin in Villach
- 6 semesters of bachelor studies in Mechanical Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology, completion of studies at the UAS Technikum Wien
- Master studies Mechatronics / Robotics at the UAS Technikum Wien
What makes it interesting for me?
The mix of theoretical know-how and practical skills that I can use to solve complex problems. Natural sciences and engineering have always fascinated me. In my job, I get to deal with topics from these disciplines and ideally help shape my (surrounding) world.
Why do I work in this job?
I am constantly learning new things in my job, even after completing my formal training. In addition, as a mechatronics engineer, I work in and with different disciplines, which often makes tasks more complex, but also more interesting. In teaching, I can pass on my knowledge and, conversely, learn from students.
Why me?
I can grasp complex and abstract problems while maintaining an overview, but I can also get lost in the details. A certain stubbornness to want to solve a stubborn problem at all costs often pays off, too!
What would make this job even better?
More research!
This is the advice I would give to my 15 year old self:
Don’t be so dogged and ambitious. Good grades and awards are worth nothing if you lose your joy in the process. You don’t have to prove anything to others – believe in yourself and you can do anything!