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Sarah Langer, MSc

Lucie Langer

Job Description:

Since 2021 Lecturer for Mathematics and Teacher for Mathematics & Computer Science in a Higher Technical School (HTL), before that working as manager of applied research projects in the field of IT-Security

My educational path:

Matura in Germany 1999, studies of technical mathematics at UAS and Technical University Darmstadt (focus: IT security & cryptography), PhD in Theoretical Computer Science 2010 (Technical University Darmstadt)

What makes it interesting for me?

I enjoy the exchange with the students and the pupils, especially when I hear sentences like: “Oh, now I finally understand!”

Why do I work in this job?

On the one hand, the collaboration with great colleagues and the joint development of teaching and exciting projects. On the other hand, I find it nice to introduce students to the exciting fields and to discuss with them.

Why me?

I think that I can explain math quite well and I hope that I can be a role model for female students and schoolgirls in particular to get excited about STEM subjects. I know from my own experience that girls sometimes don’t have enough confidence in this area, and I would like to support them in leaving their reservations behind and just trying it out.

What would make this job even better?

More time to be able to explain the background and possible applications of one or the other mathematical fact to students and pupils.

This is the advice I would give to my 15 year old self:

Du kannst alles erreichen, was du dir vornimmst — du musst dich nur trauen, es zu versuchen!