Sarah Langer, MSc

Job Description:
Medical technician specializing in health and rehabilitation technology
My educational path:
- 2008-2013 Journeywoman as hairdresser
- 2014-2016 Vocational maturity exam
- 2016-2019 Bachelor – Sports Equipment Technology, UAS Technikum Wien
- 2019-2021 Master – Health and rehabilitation technology, UAS Technikum Wien
- since September 2021 Junior Lecturer/Researcher at the UAS Technikum Wien
What makes it interesting for me?
The combination of people and technology. It’s fascinating how different technical solutions can help people in all kinds of life situations. Imparting this knowledge and developing it further in research projects as well as creating new ideas is particularly exciting for me.
Why do I work in this job?
On the one hand, the collaboration with great colleagues and the joint development of teaching and exciting projects. On the other hand, I find it nice to introduce students to the exciting fields and to discuss with them.
Why me?
I know the view of a person who did not follow the classical path and only later lived out his love of technology. Therefore, I understand what it is like to take this educational path with little technical know-how (e.g. through an HTL). I like to work with people (students, colleagues, doctors, technicians, …) and find it nice to share my knowledge and apply it.
What would make this job even better?
More time for research
This is the advice I would give to my 15 year old self:
Do what interests you and don’t let others make you insecure. Trust in your strengths and believe in yourself, there is so much more possible than you would believe at first.