Mira Maiwöger, MSc

Job Description:
Lecturer / Phsyicist
My educational path:
- Physics studies (BSc and MSc) at the University of Vienna
- Master thesis at the Technical University Vienna (TU) with Jörg Schmiedmayer: Title (Towards multiple measurements of a single Bose-Einstein condensate by coherent outcoupling).
- Doctoral studies at the Technical University Vienna (TU), project assistant in the group of Jörg Schmiedmayer, focus on experimental quantum optics: ultracold atoms, Bose-Einstein condensates, atom-light interaction (doctorate not yet completed)
What makes it interesting for me?
Quantum physics simply fascinates me; many quantum physical phenomena clash with our classical intuition.
Nevertheless, we can describe them mathematically and understand them with experiments.
Why do I work in this job?
I really enjoy thinking about (quantum) physics again and again in a new way.
When teaching and in contact with students who are new to the field, I am often confronted with questions that make me think again myself.
Why me?
I take students seriously and try to treat them as equals.
This is the advice I would give to my 15 year old self:
It’s good the way you are, no one is perfect.