Iris-Sabine Nemec, MSc

Job Description:
Medical technologist specialized in rehabilitation technology and prosthetics
My educational path:
1999- 2004: HTBLVA Spengergasse,1050 Vienna,
Department: Operations Management,
Training focus: Production engineering
2004- 2007: Bachelor program: Sports Equipment Technology UAS Technikum Wien
2007 – 2009: Master program: Health and Rehabilitation Technology, UAS Technikum Wien, Administration, Teaching, R & D
Since November 2010: Staff member UAS Technikum Wien, Administration & Teaching, since 2016 exclusively Teaching, R & D
What makes it interesting for me?
What attracts me to medical technology is the connection between technology and people. Solving problems without forgetting the needs of the user (the person who is supposed to use the technology). Many solutions in rehabilitation technology help people to cope with different situations and their everyday life.
Why do I work in this job?
I particularly enjoy the combination of my specialty in medical technology with the opportunity to teach at the university of applied sciences. I can work with young people on their future and help them find the area of knowledge that interests them the most. I also have the opportunity to continue learning new things through project work.
Why me?
I enjoy working with many different people (patients, technicians, physiotherapists, researchers, doctors, students,…). I found the medical aspect of medical technology exciting without having to memorize too many medical facts. In combination with the technical challenges, I found this field interesting and simply wanted to try out medical technology as part of my studies and get to know it better.
What would make this job even better?
More time for a few ideas that I still have in stock and would like to be realized. Unfortunately, the day has only 24 hours.
This is the advice I would give to my 15 year old self:
Just try it out if something sounds interesting and exciting. Don’t be shy or doubtful, just take a look.