Course ASSIST HEIDI – Designing and implementing Assistive Tools for people with disabilities

This course brings students and people with disabilities (HEIDI – Human being with disability) together, to design and prototype an individual assistive technology solution for them. Students will learn the basics about disability, existing assistive tools, rapid prototyping and microcontrollers. Students will have access to materials, tools and equipment (e.g. 3D printer etc.). The Smart Living Lab of the UAS Technikum Wien provides the perfect environment for the participants. This is the best opportunity to get to know people with disabilities, to contribute, develop and implement your own ideas.

In the project-based course with mixed teams of international (ERASMUS) students and UASTW students the following topics are covered:

  • Disabilities
  • Assistive Tools
  • Programming
  • Microcontroller (Arduino)
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Applications of ML


  • Internationalization opportunity for part-time students
  • Recognizable for the compulsory UASTW Internalization module!
  • Co-Design of Assistive Solutions involving people with disabilities
  • English, 6 ECTS
  • Lecturers Martin Deinhofer, Alija Sabic and Sarah Langer
  • The course will be offered at least until SS2025


  • Study semester 4 or higher (application before already)
  • Programming or embedded development skills recommended, but no must

Course details

The attendance time of the course is coordinated with other study programs of UAS Technikum Wien, in order to enable participation also for part time students.

The course starts usually in the second week of the semester (calender week 8 or 37) and is held on Wednesday and Thursday from 16:10-17:40 (resp. 15:15-17:40 in the second week of the course) on campus. In parallel, regular sessions are provided for project supervision on Wednesday 16:10-17:40 (bi-weekly).

Assessment Method

  • 2 x Assignments á 10% = 20%
  • 1 x Project work (graded as group work) = 80%


See Application form at the bottom of the page!


The course is operated by the project Inclusion International funded by the City of Vienna (call nr. 33-02).


Previous courses

The course ASSIST HEIDI was held 3 times (SS2023, WS2023, SS2024) with UAS TW students and international students. Subsequently, you will find a selection of topics and their results.


Figure 1: Evaluation of 3D printed pictures (left), screenshot of die melodie (middle) and prototype design of Marco POIO navigation device (right).


In the course of WS2023 13 students (7 UAS TW, 6 international) participated the course in which Natascha Toman and Erich Schmid contributed as HEIDIs (co-designer). In 2 mixed international teams, the students worked on the projects OBR scanner (Evaluation and optimization of a scanning setup for blind people in order to digitize analogue braille books) and Speech Jokey (Development of a program for editing and synthesizing text with computer generated speech for people with speech impairment).

Figure 2: Scanning of braille books (left) and presentation of Speech Jokey (right).


In the course of SS2024 23 students (12 UAS TW, 11 international) participated the course in which Natascha Toman and Erich Schmid contributed as HEIDIs (co-designer). In 4 mixed international teams, the students worked on the projects wheely joystick mouse (Adaption of the wheelchair joystick to make it usable as a computer mouse), nfc reader for physical interaction (nfc reader to allow physical interaction with AAC software using nfc-tagged objects), OBR scanner v2 (Continued evaluation and optimization of a scanning setup for blind people in order to digitize analogue braille books) and Speech Jokey v2 (Continued development of a program for editing and synthesizing text with computer generated speech for people with speech impairment).

Figure 3: nfc reader for physical interaction (top left), obr scanner (top right), Speech Jokey (middle left) and wheely joystick mouse (middle right, bottom).

ASSIST HEIDI Application

Currently the application window is closed. The next course will be in the summer semester 2025. Please come back in December 2024 for applying.