Curriculum: Bachelor Biomedical Engineering
Below you will find the current courses of the study program.
1st Semester
Name | ECTS SWS |
Communication 1 (COMM1) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Competence and Cooperation (KOKO) German / UE | 2.00 1.00 |
Technical English (ENG1) English / UE | 3.00 2.00 |
Fundamentals of Physics / Physics Fundamentals (PHYS) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Fundamentals of Physics for Engineering Sciences (PHY1) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Physics Laboratory (PHYLB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
General Chemistry (CHEM) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
General Chemistry (CHEM) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
General Chemistry Laboratory (CHELB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Informatics Fundamentals in Life Science Engineering (INFO) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Applications of Programming in Life Science Engineering (PROG2) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Fundamentals of Programming / Programming Fundamentals (PROG1) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Mathematics for Engineering Science 1 (MAES1) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Mathematics for Engineering Science 1 (MAES1) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Medical Fundamentals 1 (MED1) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology (ANAT1) German / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology / Anatomy and Physiology Fundamentals (APHYS) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
2nd Semester
Name | ECTS SWS |
Applications of Medical Informatics (MEDIN) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Analytical Methods of Biomedical Data (BIODA) German / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Informatics - Project (MEDPR) German / PRJ | 3.00 2.00 |
Communication 2 (COMM2) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Business English (ENG2) English / UE | 3.00 2.00 |
Creativity and Complexity (KREKO) German / UE | 2.00 1.00 |
Fundamentals of Electronic Engineering (ELEKT) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Electronic Engineering in Biomedical Technology (ETBIO) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Fundamentals of Electronics in BBE (GELBE) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Mathematics for Engineering Science 2 (MAES2) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
Mathematics for Engineering Science 2 (MAES2) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Medical Fundamentals 1 (MED2) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology 2 (ANAT2) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Physiology Laboratory (PYSLB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Organic and Sustainable Chemistry (ONCH) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Organic and Sustainable Chemistry (OC) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Organic and Sustainable Chemistry Laboratory (OCLB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
3rd Semester
Name | ECTS SWS |
Anatomy and Diagnostics (MED3) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology 3 and Diagnostics (PATHO) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Instrumental Analysis in Laboratory Medicine (INSTR) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BIOCH) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biochemical Laboratory (BCHLB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BIOMO) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Biomedical Measurement Engineering (BIOMT) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Medical Measurement Engineering (MEDMT) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Medical Measurement Engineering - Laboratory (MEDLB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Control Engineering (MEDRT) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Medical Control Engineering (MEDRT) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Medical Control Engineering - Laboratory (REGLB) German / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Research und Communication Skills (COMM3) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Communication and Culture (KOKU) German / UE | 2.00 1.00 |
Scientific Writing and Research Methods (SWRM) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Special Subjects in Biomedical Technologies (BIOTE) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Ethics and Clincal Studies (ETHKL) German / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Specialisation Basics / Fundamentals (SPEZI) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
4th Semester
Name | ECTS SWS |
Applied Probability Theory and Statistics (AWS) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Applied Probability Theory and Statistics (AWS) German / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Business Administration (BWL) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Accounting (RW) German / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
General Management (UF) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Elective Modules (VERT1) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Elective Module: Assistive Technologies Engineering (VATE1) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Active Assistive Technologies 1 (VAAT1) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Active Assistive Technologies (AAT) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Rapid Prototyping (RAPT) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Applications for Signal Acquisition (VASA) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Basics of Circuit Design (BCD) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Embedded Systems in Medicine (EMBMED) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Applications of Medical Sensors 1 (VAMS1) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomedical Signals and Medical Sensors 1 (BSMS1) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Elective Module: Cell & Tissue Engineering 1 (VCTE1) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Cell Culture Techniques (VCCT) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Cell Culture Laboratory (CCL1) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Cell Culture Techniques (CCT1) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Genetics & Bioinformatics (VGEBI) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Computational Bioanalysis (COBI) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Molecular Genetics (MOG) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Tumor Biology (VTUBI) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Cancer Drugs & Therapies (CDT) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Immunology (IMM) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Elective Module: Medical & Hospital Engineering 1 (VMHE1) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Applications for Signal Acquisition (VASA) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Basics of Circuit Design (BCD) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Embedded Systems in Medicine (EMBMED) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Applications of Medical Sensors 1 (VAMS1) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomedical Signals and Medical Sensors 1 (BSMS1) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Engineering Heart, Lung & Circulation (VEHLC) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Engineering Heart, Lung and Circulation (EHLC) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Elective Module: Medical Imaging & Data Engineering 1 (VMIDE1) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Medical Data Engineering (VMDE) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Medical Data Engineering 1 (MDE1) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Safety & Communications in Medical Data Engineering (SAF) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Signal Acquisition & Analysis (VSAA) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Signal Acquisition and Analysis (SAA) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
eHealth & Data Management (VEHDM) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Data Management in Medicine (DMM) English / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Telemedicine & eHealth (TMEH) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Elective Module: Rehabilitation Engineering 1 (VREN1) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Circuit Design & Signal Analysis (VCDSA) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Circuit Design & Signal Analysis (CSA) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Data Acquisition and Analysis in Biomechanics (VDAAB) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory (BIOLB) English / LAB | 5.00 3.00 |
Rehabilitation Engineering (VRE) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Basics of Prosthetics (BPRO) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Rehabilitation Engineering (REHA) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Technology in Practice (MEDTE) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Anaesthesia, Analgesia and Intensive Care (ANANI) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Radiation Medicine (RAMED) German / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
5th Semester
Name | ECTS SWS |
Elective Modules (VERT2) German / kMod | 15.00 - |
Elective Module: Assistive Technologies Engineering (VATE2) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Accessible Webtechnology (VAWT) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Accessible Webtechnology (AWT) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
UX aspects of AAT (UXAAT) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Active Assistive Technologies 2 (VAAT2) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Assistive Technologies Plattformen (ATP) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Workflow Integration in AAT (WIAAT) English / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Applications of Assistive Technologies (VAPAT) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Applications of AAT (AAAT) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Biomedical Signals and Medical Sensors 2 (BSMS2) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Elective Module: Cell & Tissue Engineering 2 (VCTE2) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Applied Cell Technogies (VACT) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Current Cell Technology Approaches (CTA) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Project in Developmental Biology (PDB) English / PRJ | 3.00 2.00 |
Cell Biology Laboratory (VCBL) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Cell Biology Laboratory (CBI) English / LAB | 5.00 3.00 |
Methods in Cell & Tissue Engineering (VMCTE) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Methods in Cell & Tissue Engineering (VCTE2) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Elective Module: Medical & Hospital Engineering 2 (VMHE2) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Applications of Medical Sensors 2 (VAMS2) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomedical Signals and Medical Sensors 2 (BSMS2) English / LAB | 3.00 2.00 |
Photonics in Biomedical Engineering (PHBE) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Hospital Equipment (VMHEQ) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Medical Hospital Equipment (MHE1) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Workflow Integration in Medical Engineering (WIME) English / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Protection (VNMRP) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Protection (NMRP) English / ILV | 5.00 3.00 |
Elective Module: Medical Imaging & Data Engineering 2 (VMIDE2) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Application Engineering (VAE) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Mobile Computing in Medical Applications (MCMA) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Web Based Medical Applications (WMA) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Applied Medical Data Engineering (VAMDE) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Medical Data Engineering 2 (MDE2) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Workflow Integration in Medical Informatics (WIINF) English / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Imaging & Bioinformatics (VMIB) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Bioinformatics (BIOINF) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Imaging and Analysis (MIA) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Elective Module: Rehabilitation Engineering 2 (VREN2) English / kMod | 15.00 - |
Applied Biomechanics (WMRHE41) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomechanics (BIM) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Gait Analysis Project (GAP) English / PRJ | 3.00 2.00 |
Applied Rehabilitation Engineering (VARE) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Basics of Assistive Technologies (BAT) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Workflow Integration in Rehabilitation Engineering (WIRHE) English / LAB | 2.00 1.00 |
Neuroprosthetics (WMRHE51) English / kMod | 5.00 - |
Neural Engineering (NEUR) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Neurorehabilitation (NEUREHA) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Management and Law (MANRE) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Business Law (RECHT) German / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Project Management (PM) German / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Medical Modeling and Simulation (MEDMO) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomedical Ex Vivo Models (XVIVO) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
Biomedical in Silico Modeling and Simulation (MODSI) English / ILV | 3.00 2.00 |
Trends in Biomedical Engineering (BIOME) German / kMod | 5.00 - |
Biomedical Engineering Projects (BBEPR) English / PRJ | 3.00 2.00 |
Current Topics in Life Science Engineering (CTLSE) English / ILV | 2.00 1.00 |
6th Semester
Name | ECTS SWS |
Bachelor Thesis (BA) German / iMod | 8.00 - |
Bachelor Thesis (BA) German / EL | 8.00 5.00 |
International Skills (INT) German / iMod | 5.00 - |
International Skills (INT) German / IPRJ | 5.00 0.00 |
Internship (BPRAK) German / kMod | 17.00 - |
Internship (BPRAK) German / SO | 16.00 0.00 |
Review Internship (BPREF) German / BE | 1.00 1.00 |