Open Data Expo 2024
- 07 March, 2024
To celebrate the international Open Data Days 2024, the UAS Technikum Wien and the Vienna Business Agency invite you to the 3rd Open Data Expo on March 7, 2024. This year’s motto is again “Experiencing and understanding data”. Numerous applications and projects based on publicly available data will be presented. In addition, a hands-on workshop will be offered.
Note: This event will be held in German language
- MA 01 – Information Technology: Lego-Model of Smart City Vienne powered by FIWARE and LEGO®
- MA 46 – Traffic Management: Bike router
- Museums of Vienna: Open Government Data of Urban archaeology
- University of Vienna & University for Continuing Education Krems:
- Education & AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive
- MA 22 – Environmental Protection:
- Open Data services of MA 22
- Viennese air monitoring network
- Environmental asset – themed city map of the City of Vienna
- MA 20 – Energy Planning:
- Energy data & energy flow in Vienna
- Energy maps & energy showcase projects from Vienna
- UAS Technikum Wien: Open Data in education
- Multimodal Information Screen & Public transport assistant
- Recent Open Data projects of the UAS Technikum Wien (Locationmapper, Earthquake Visualization, etc.)
- Parliament: Open Data services of the Parliaments
- BMF, BRZ, MA 01: Open Data sind limitless
- Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO): Data Spaces
- MA 41 – Surveying and Mapping: Geographic data
- Wiener Linien: Open Data @WienerLinien
- Wiener Bildungsserver: DigiBox & Open Education Ressources
- 09:00 AM – 09:20 AM: Opening
- 09:20 AM – 03:00 PM: free access to the exhibition and projects of the Open Data Expo
- 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM: Workshop (held in German language): Improving data quality of open data, by Gregor Eibl (University for Continuing Education Krems) & Lukas Rohatsch (UAS Technikum Wien); Room EDV_F2.02
- Alongside the Open Data Expo, the FIWARE Community Meeting “DataBusiness Community AT” will take place from 09:30 to approx. 11:30 – this meeting will be held in German language. Interested visitors are kindly invited to participate. The program (in German) can be viewed here.

Open Data are publicly available data and datasets that are provided by different companies and organizations and may be used by anyone for any purpose. This results in numerous use cases and opportunities to develop new applications and apps.
For more than 13 years, various activities and events around the Open Data Days have been taking place worldwide to highlight the importance of publicly available data. In Vienna, an Open Data Expo will now be held for the 3rd time and a data walk (on March 6, 2024) will be organized. Admission to the Open Data Expo is free.
Meeting point for the data walk is at 1 PM at the archaeological remains at Michaelerplatz. The tour concludes by taking part in a panel of experts in parliament (registration required). Details can be found at https://digitales.wien.gv.at/datenlehrpfad-2024/ (This data walk will be held in German language).