Iowa State University study trip and International Accessibility Hackathon

The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (UAS Technikum Wien) in cooperation with the Iowa State University are organising a study trip (May 20-25, 2024) including an International Accessibility Hackathon from May 22-23, 2024. The study trip and the hackathon will be held in Vienna, mostly at the facilities of UAS Technikum Wien.

The aim of the hackathon is the design of applications taking into account accessibility data of places. Open Data interfaces will be used for the implementation. Students will form international teams and analyse and evaluate data from e.g. and develop concepts and prototypes using the data.


  • Internationalization opportunity for part-time students
  • Transferable for the compulsory UASTW Internalization module, provided the participant attends at least 4 days.
  • No Attendance fees!! The costs of the social events have to be borne by the students themselves.
  • Monday, 20th and Saturday, 25th are optional for UASTW students


  • Study semester 2 or higher (application before already)
  • Programming skills recommended, but no must


  • Approx. 16 students from Iowa State University
  • 10 Students from UAS Technikum Wien


The event and the mobility of the ISU students is funded by ERASMUS+.

The international accessibility hackathon is operated by the project Inclusion International funded by the City of Vienna (call nr. 33-02).


The schedule is a draft. A more detailed schedule with meeting points and contact person will be announced after application.

Monday, May 20
Tuesday, May 21
Wednesday, May 22
Thursday, May 23
Friday, May 24
Saturday, May 25
Accessibillity Hachathon
Accessibillity Hachathon

Experimental Learning: Explore the city by testing multi-modal transportation (Walking and public transportation)

Transportation and Mobility:
Smart City Vienna –
UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH

Task definition,
presentation of various open data sources and online maps


Team formation

Refugees in Austria guided tour

Individual & Group projects

Donube island / Old Danube

Travel diary

Presentation + video

Seestadt Aspern guided walking tour – solutions for the future of transportation and mobility

Concept creation in mixed international groups

Presentation of the concepts

WU Campus Tour

Social housing in Vienna tour

Dinner at Danube


Social program in the evening tbd.

Registration form

Do you want to apply for participation?

There is limited capacity of 10 UAS TW students. If you want to transfer it for the UASTW Internalization module, the attendance of 4 days is compulsory. The weekend days (Monday and Saturday) are optional, please indicate in the form below, if you would like to join.

Please use the form below and apply until 04.03.2024. We will inform you within 1 week about your approval status.

Please use your university e-mail address.

Please describe, why you would like to participate and how it's related to people with disabilities.