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International Office

Head International Office
National Expert for the EHEA

(currently on part- time educational leave)
Incoming Student Mobility
EWP & Mobility-Online Coordination

Outgoing Student Mobility

Outgoing Student Mobility
Inclusive Mobility

Staff Mobility
Sustainable Internationalisation

Incoming Student Mobility and Business Travel Coordination
International Faculty Coordinators

International Coordinator

Senior Lecturer/Researcher
International Coordinator

International Coordinator

Program Director Bachelor Mechanical Engineering
Program Director Master Mechanical Engineering
International Coordinator

Administrative Assistant Information Systems Management
International Coordinator
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027 (130.54 KB)


Partner institutions, exchange possibilities and experience reports.

Joint Programs
A joint program at the UAS Technikum Wien is a jointly coordinated and implemented program between two (or more) higher education institutions (double/multiple degree). The UAS Technikum Wien currently runs 19 joint programs (double degrees) with nine institutions.

- Inclusion International
- ProLight
- PrepaCare(XR) (completed)
- EURYDICE (completed)
- A4SEE (completed)
- Health CONNECT (completed)
- RE-OPEN (completed)
- medTec+ (completed)
- IoCEST (completed)
- ENGINE (completed)
- StudyATHome Internationally (completed)
International News