Austrian Robotics Workshop: Current Challenges in Robotics

25 April, 2023

Robotics experts & students of the FH Technikum Wien were present at the ARW 2023 in Linz.

At this year’s Austrian Robotics Workshop (ARW) at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz, robotics experts Paolo Trivisonne and Georg Novotny (Digital Manufacturing, Automation & Robotics competence field) as well as Roman Stadlhuber, Fynn Behnke and Bernd von Gimborn (students of the Robotics Engineering master’s program) presented their exciting projects in the form of poster presentations and expert talks to an expert audience.

ARW brings together scientists, experts and practitioners in the field of robotics to discuss current developments and future challenges in robotics and its applications. Furthermore, the cooperation between science and industry is strengthened and current research results are transferred to industry.

Here are three posters with further details:

Fotos vom Event: