Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration: Carina Hromada wins Young Investigator Award

19 May, 2023

FHTW research in tissue engineering honored at annual meeting of Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration 2023.

From May 2 to 4, leading experts met for the annual meeting of the Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, which was held this year at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences – Linz Campus. The Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration now unites more than 30 leading research groups across Austria, among which the FH Technikum Wien is also represented. The goal of the cluster is to closely exchange experience and resources among its members in order to use this combined expertise to advance research in the field of tissue regeneration. This year’s meeting was attended by over 140 people (see group photo) and there were nearly 70 presentations and numerous poster contributions over the three days.

Presentations by the FH Technikum Wien at the annual meeting at the Linz campus

In addition, the scientists of all research groups of the cluster gather once a year to present the latest research results, to exchange ideas and to strengthen networks. This year, the annual conference was held at the Linz campus of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. With Andreas Teuschl-Woller, Carina Hromada and Janine Tomasch, the FH Technikum Wien was also represented to present current research projects in two lectures: Carina Hromada presented the promising results of her research in the field of peripheral nerve regeneration (title: “Artificial bands of Büngner as a versatile platform in peripheral nerve tissue engineering”), and Janine Tomasch presented her exciting research results in the field of muscle regeneration (title: “A tissue-engineered model for skeletal muscle regeneration”).

Young Investigator Award to Carina Hromada

Inspiration for one’s own research work could also be gathered during numerous other presentations, which ranged from wound healing to extracellular vesicles and 3D tissue printing across all tissue types. The culmination of the cluster meeting was the presentation of the Young Investigator Awards by Prof. Heinz Redl (coordinator of the Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration) and Jaroslaw Jacak (FHOÖ Campus Linz and host), where the best presentations of the young scientists were awarded. Among the award winners was also Carina Hromada from the FH Technikum. This award underlines the high quality of research in the field of tissue engineering and life sciences at the FHTW.

On the cover picture, top: Laureates of the Young Investigator Award (from left to right):

Heinz Redl (coordinator of the Austrian Clusters for Tissue Regeneration), Oliver Kopinski-Grünwald (Vienna University of Technology), Helene Dworak (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Traumatology), Antonella Fantoni (Vienna University of Technology), Tanja Szikora (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Traumatology), Stephan Schandl (Vienna University of Technology), Carina Hromada (FH Technikum Wien) and Jaroslaw Jacak (FHOÖ Campus Linz, organizer of the annual conference).

Caption for image 2: Group photo of the annual meeting of the Tissue Regeneration Cluster.