CIP 4.0: International Student Project between Lapland UAS and UAS Technikum Wien entered into its fourth year

01 February, 2022

As part of the fourth Cooperative International Student Project Students from Lapland UAS and FHTW worked on an energy concept for the climate-energy model region Tullnerfeld OST.

For the fourth time, the Cooperative International Student Project (CIP) took place in the winter term 2021/22. Students of the Mechanical Engineering program of Lapland University of Applied Sciences and Renewable Energies of the UAS Technikum Wien worked together on an energy concept for the climate energy model region KEM Tullnerfeld OST.

KEM Tullnerfeld OST mainly consists of the community of St. Andrä-Wördern and Tulbing with around 14000 inhabitants. The region is a member of the Austrian Climate Alliance with ambitious climate goals. Measures in climate neutral heat production and the increase of local electricity potentials are continuously aimed at. Within the next years, the further plan is to organize energy communities.

Goal of this year’s student project was to design an energy concept for the settlement of Passauer Hof, with the focus on local heating and electricity energy production based on renewable sources. The engineering includes the energy systems from the production site via the grid to the consumer.

Three international project teams looked into potentials of renewable energy sources in the KEM Tullnerfeld OST region. The project topics included:

  • Engineering of a biomass district heating plant, boiler design
  • Engineering of a thermal energy and storage system, grid design
  • Engineering of building integrated PV systems on selected buildings 10-100 kW
  • Engineering and simulation of energy communities

During the course of the last semester of winter term 2021/2022, an on-site week took place in Vienna. Students had already started their work on the project before meeting for the first time in January 2022. The joint time in Vienna gave them the opportunity to take part in workshops on their topics and to get first-hand impressions and connect more deeply with their work as they also went on a fieldtrip to the KEM Tullnerfeld OST region in order to get to know the site. At the end of the week, students presented their projects to the supervisors of Lapland UAS and the UAS Technikum Wien.

Apart from studying and working in Vienna during the final project week, our Finish guests also had the possibility to catch a glimpse of the city itself, e.g. during a visit to the Technical Museum of Vienna. The UAS Technikum Wien is excited to see what awaits in year five of CIP!