Cooperative International Student Project No. 3 between Lapland UAS and UAS Technikum Wien
09 February, 2021
For the third time, the Cooperative International Student Project (CIP) took place in the winter term 2020/21.
Students of the Mechanical Engineering programme of Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the Urban Renewable Energy Technologies of the UAS Technikum Wien worked together on an energy concept for the community of Haag in Lower Austria.
Since 2011, the community of Haag, with around 6000 Inhabitants, is member of the Austrian Climate Alliance with ambitious climate goals. Measures in Climate neutral Heat production and the increase of local electricity potentials have to be engineered.
The goal of the student project was to design an energy concept for the community of Haag, with the focus on local heating and electricity energy production based on renewable sources. The engineering includes the energy systems from the production site via the grid to the consumer.
Four project groups were formed to look into potentials of renewable energy sources in the community of Haag and technical as well as economic feasibility of the different energy systems. For that purpose, four international project groups were formed:
- Engineering of a Biomass District Heating plant
- Engineering of a Photovoltaic plant, building integrated
- Engineering of a Wind power plant
- Engineering of a District Heating Grid
Due to the situation around the current pandemic, the on-site exchange of both institutions in Vienna could not take place, however, the UAS Technikum Wien is looking forward to host our Finnish colleagues for CIP No. 4!