Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen, WIGEV and FHTW win the ‘Digital Humanism Award’

22 January, 2025
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, together with Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen and the Floridsdorf Clinic of the Vienna Health Association (WIGEV), has been honoured with the Digital Humanism Award.
The “Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen”, together with the Floridsdorf Clinic of the Vienna Health Association (WIGEV) and the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, was honoured with the Digital Humanism Award on 21 January 2025. The award recognises an innovative project that sets new standards in improving health care for people with intellectual disabilities and communication difficulties.
The project partners, who were commissioned by the Vienna Target Control Commission, have been working intensively on this project since the summer of 2020. At the heart of the project are innovative symbol boards that have been developed in close collaboration with the Floridsdorf Clinic of WIGEV and have already been successfully integrated into the clinic’s daily routine. The software AsTeRICS Grid enables the individual adaptation of the symbol boards and communication by artificial voices by selecting the symbols on the screen. AsTeRICS Grid is being developed at the UAS Technikum Wien as part of the research project InDiKo, which is funded by the City of Vienna, and can also be used free of charge outside of the clinic.
This award underlines the strong commitment of the umbrella organisation of Viennese social institutions and its cooperation partners to modern digital solutions in the health sector. The project shows once again how technology can be used to break down barriers and enable everyone to participate in the healthcare system in a self-determined way. It thus contributes significantly to strengthening inclusion and participation in everyday life.
The InDiKo project is funded by the City of Vienna and makes a significant contribution to positioning Vienna as an innovative health metropolis and an inclusive city that offers opportunities for everyone.
At the picture (from left to right): Nina Bening (WIGEV, Floridsdorf Clinic), Natalia Postek (DWS) and Christoph Veigl (UAS Technikum Wien) at the ‘Digitaler Humanismus Award’ ceremony on 21 January 2025 at the ORF centre at Küniglberg.
Further Links:
Dachverband Wiener Sozialeinrichtungen
Project InDiKo of UAS Technikum Wien, funded by the City of Vienna (MA23 Projekt 38-09)
Gesundheit und Kommunikation (GeKo) Vienna – Zielsteuerung Gesundheit