Digital Days 2024: UAS Technikum Wien Combines Teaching and Drone Technology

29 November, 2024
At Digital Days 2024, the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien presented its pioneering drone technology and how it is integrated into teaching.
On October 23, 2020, the UAS Technikum Wien was represented at the Digital Days of the DigitalCity.Wien initiative of the City of Vienna and the IT industry by the project team of the currently ongoing project “City of Vienna Competence Team for Drone Technology in University of Applied Sciences Education”.
As part of the interactive exhibition “DigiStreet” at the Vienna Technical Museum, visitors were able to gain insights into current digital applications.
The project “City of Vienna Competence Team for Drone Technology in University of Applied Sciences Education” (see above), which was carried out in cooperation with the competence fields of embedded systems and digital manufacturing, automation and robotics, was able to exhibit drone technology in this context.
On display, for example, were mini drones in 3D-printed test stands for use in teaching and a large-format LED display on a computer game with a drone reference that invited visitors to play with drone technology.
Visitors were able to learn about applications of drone technology
Visitors were able to learn about drone technology applications, as well as concepts for integrating drones into university teaching, and the diverse field of drone technology in general.
The project team, consisting of Christian Fibich, Simon Schwaiger and Florian Wimmer, found the exchange with visiting students of all school and age levels and their enthusiasm for the topic of drone technology particularly exciting.
The project “City of Vienna Competence Team for Drone Technology in University of Applied Sciences Education” (project number MA23 35-02) is funded by the City of Vienna’s Municipal Department MA23 for Economic and Labour Affairs, Business Promotion and Statistics.
Further links:
Digital Days of the City of Vienna’s DigitalCity.Wien initiative
City of Vienna Competence Team for Drone Technology in University of Applied Sciences Education
New project brings drones into teaching