Dominik Widhalm is the first graduate of the joint doctoral program with TU Vienna

Dominik Widhalm

30 November, 2022

The UASTW alumnus successfully completed his studies in the Joint Doctoral College for Resilient Embedded Systems.

Dominik Widhalm, a graduate of the Electronics and Embedded Systems programs, has now also completed the joint doctoral program of TU Wien and UAS Technikum Wien. This makes him the first graduate of this Joint Doctoral Collage funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

Widhalm’s dissertation, titled “Sensor Node Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Immune-inspired Approach,” was supervised by Karl M. Göschka (UAS Technikum Wien) and Wolfgang Kastner (TU Wien Informatics). Reviewers were Andrea Bondavalli (University of Florence) and Davide Quaglia (University of Verona).

More about DC Resilient Embedded Systems on the website of TU Wien Informatics