Eternal Youth from a Scientific Perspective (#102 Gordin Zupkovitz)

17 April, 2024

Anti-aging research has been going on for many years. The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is also conducting research in this area. In this podcast episode, Gordin Zupkovitz is our guest. He is head of the City of Vienna’s Aging Tissue Competence Team and is dedicated to the effects of ageing in tissue regeneration at UAS Technikum Wien. This podcast conversation was conducted in English.

Staying young forever is a long-cherished dream of mankind. No wonder that science is also concerned with this topic. Gordin Zupkovitz is head of the City of Vienna’s Aging Tissue Competence Team and is dedicated to the highly topical subject of “Effects of ageing in tissue regeneration” at the UAS Technikum Wien. One of the topics in this episode: What does it mean to be “eternally young”?

In the project, Gordin Zupkovitz and his team of experts expanded the existing methods for cultivating healthy and diseased tissue in bioreactors in order to be able to map the influence of ageing on tissue regeneration. The productive research focus “Bioengineering & Molecular Life Science Technologies” at FHTW is thus being continued. The close interlinking of research and teaching will maintain the high quality and topicality of teaching in the field of tissue engineering and can be enriched and further developed with newly acquired know-how.

Further links:

DER STANDARD – Article – On the hunt for the fountain of youth for ageing cells (In German) (April 1, 2024)

UAS Technikum Wien Researches the Rejuvenation of Cells

City of Vienna Competence Team for Aging Tissue – Effects of aging in tissue regeneration (research)

Research focus Bioengineering & Molecular Life Science Technologies

Departments Life Science Engineering

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