Field report by Clemens Frühwirth – Mid Sweden University Östersund 

01 March, 2019

Everyday life here in Östersund is hardly any different to that in Vienna, yet aside from the everyday life, the days here can be arranged very differently to how things are in Vienna. During the week, I usually spend the day at the university and work on my Master’s thesis, and the afternoon usually involves some sporting activities. The time can be divided here very freely, making it possible to pursue sports or other hobbies. The sports facilities at the university are also very extensive, but you can also find the right thing for you away from the university itself. As there are no fixed office hours, you can spend time outside during the rare hours of sunshine in winter and start the working day in the early afternoon at dusk.

My Master’s thesis entitled “Hand-Cycling Aerodynamics: An investigation into the mechanical and physiological effects of different riding positions in competitive para hand-cycling” deals with the para sport hand-cycling. Specifically it is about comparing certain forces acting on a hand-cycling athlete when practicing the sport in different positions. In the course of writing this thesis, I have the unique opportunity to work and research in a wind tunnel unlike any other wind tunnel in the world.

Almost all of the expectations that I had before the start of this double degree were fulfilled and mostly exceeded. I would particularly like to take this opportunity to underscore the opportunities offered to us at MIUN and the excellent support provided by the university.

Overall, I can say that I feel very comfortable in Sweden, especially in Östersund and at MIUN, and that it was definitely the right decision for me to come here for my last year of studies.

Are you interested in knowing more? Franziska Hoell and Sebastian Klein have also packed their experiences into an exciting report.