Insight into Future Opportunities: Master’s Information Evening at the Faculty of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics

30 January, 2024

180 visitors were given an insight into the wide range of Master’s degree programs from AI to quantum.

Alexander Mense (Head of the Faculty of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics) opened his faculty’s Master’s info event on 29 January in the ballroom of UAS Technikum Wien and provided the 180 or so guests with an overview of the faculty, departments, areas of expertise and degree programs. According to Mense, in order to meet individual needs, there is also the option of studying while working. He also explained that some courses are taught in English and gave an overview of the diverse job profiles, training focuses and specialization options.

These Master’s courses were then presented in more detail by the following people:
-) Master’s in AI Engineering (program director Bernhard Knapp)
-) Master Data Science (Head of degree program David Meyer)
-) Master IT Security (Program Director Alexand Mense)
-) Master Software Engineering (Program Director Robert Pucher)
-) Master’s in Information Systems Management (Program Director Helmut Gollner)

-) The new Master’s in Quantum Engineering was also presented (by Mira Maiwöger, leading member of the curriculum development team); it will start in September 2024, subject to accreditation by AQ Austria.

Application deadlines already underway

The event provided an excellent opportunity to find out more about the exciting Master’s degree programs and to actively shape your professional future. During the course of the evening, visitors also had the opportunity to speak personally with the people responsible for the degree programs.

The application deadlines for these Master’s degree programs, which start in September, are already underway.