Instagram Takeover by Technikum-Students: Elena reported from Berlin, Alex from Buenos Aires

31 October, 2023

In the course of Erasmus+, UAS Technikum Wien organized an Instagram Takeover by two students for one week, during their exchange semesters in Berlin and Buenos Aires.

At the beginning of October, the European Union celebrated the Erasmus+ program. The International Office of UAS Technikum Wien took this as an opportunity to share a part of a student’s life abroad on Instagram. For this, we organized an Instagram Takeover by two of our students for one week, during their exchange semester.
“Instagram Takeover” means that the two of them independently filled the Instagram channel of UAS Technikum Wien with content during this week. This resulted in extremely exciting insights into different cultures.

Semester abroad in Buenos Aires and Berlin

One of the two Instagram takeover participants was Alex, who is studying Business Informatics (Bachelor) at UAS Technikum Wien and is currently spending a semester abroad in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Elena also took part in the Insta-Takeover. She studies Life Science (Bachelor) at Technikum and is currently spending a semester abroad in Berlin.

During the Insta-Takeover week, Elena reported, among other things, on the life of a student at the Hochschule für Technik in Berlin. “My student council is at home in Wilhelminenhof, which is the more modern campus of the two. In 2006, the HTW moved into the former industrial building. The campus is located directly on the Spree River and there are many cozy places to sit,” Elena reported. She also had a lot to say about the (difficult) search for housing in Berlin.

Living together with 10 flatmates and El Clasico soccer match

Among other things, Alex told about living together in a shared apartment with 10 (!) roommates. He also visited a soccer match between Boca Juniors and River Plate in Buenos Aires, which is also called “El Clasico” in Argentina. “Argentina is very crazy about soccer. Everyone is singing and there is an extremely good atmosphere. Only Boca fans were allowed into the stadium (in that case) as well, because otherwise it would be too dangerous. Unique experience. Unfortunately lost,” Alex told of an exciting experience in Argentina.

You can find more information about internationalization at the FHTW on the page of our International Office:

You can see the stories, reels and posts of this Insta-Takeover week here on our Instagram channel:

In the course of some Erasmus+ events at the FH Technikum Wien, this Instagram reel for the event “From Global To Guglhupf for Incoming and Outgoing Students” was created at Heuriger Stippert in Vienna Ottakring:

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And here’s a picture gallery from our Insta takeover with Elena and Alex: