Internet of Things and Intelligent Systems: Master’s Degree for the Networked World

22 August, 2022

Networking, automation, smart technologies in all facets: In the IoT master’s program at the UAS Technikum Wien, students can sharpen their skills for a growing sector after completing a technical bachelor’s degree. It is still possible to apply for the winter semester.

“Nowadays, we really network everything,” says program director Thomas Polzer. “It starts in the home, smart home is the keyword, goes on to buildings, industrial plants and smart farming to entire cities, for example, to optimize traffic performance and energy consumption.” Trained professionals are needed for this growing technology sector. Since the current academic year, the Master Internet of Things and Intelligent Systems at the UAS Technikum Wien is an excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge in this field.

Students deal with networked overall systems. For example, the temperature sensor in the apartment can transmit its data to the cloud and the heating and ventilation can be optimized with the help of smart algorithms. An essential aspect here is networking and data transmission.

Security is another important factor. Smart, networked systems should be protected against attacks by hackers. In addition, there are courses on innovation and technology management, as well as IT and data protection law. Options for specialization in the 3rd semester and different orientations for the master’s thesis allow students to set individual focal points. “Some students specialize in the hardware-related optimization of systems and sensor nodes and go in the direction of IoT system architect,  while others focus on the security of systems or AI-supported automation in the IoT sector. Another option is the business-oriented aspect, in which technical business cases for IoT solutions are developed,” says Thomas Polzer.

The degree program is offered in evening form: Courses are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 17:50 and Fridays from 16:10, making it possible to study while working. The primary target group is graduates with a technical bachelor’s degree, especially in electronics, computer engineering or mechatronics. An application is currently still possible at

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