IoT wireless standard: Graphically visualized with LoRa-Wall
28 April, 2023
The Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Entrepreneurship’s IoT Lab develops hands-on demonstrators for the classroom.
To provide state-of-the-art education in IoT wireless technologies, the IoT Lab of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Entrepreneurship is developing hands-on demonstrators for the classroom. The team around competence field leader Stefan Paschek and study program director Thomas Polzer has now completed the first demonstrator, which uses the IoT radio standard LoRa. At the last Open Day of the FH Technikum Wien (17.3.2023), it could already be demonstrated to a wide audience.
“Students find it difficult to visually imagine radio transmission”
Both current students and interested parties were particularly impressed by the graphic visualization of radio communication. “It is extremely difficult for many students to visually imagine a radio transmission. Our new demonstrator shows very well what happens on the air interface, and you can see the details of the transmission for many different parameter sets and messages,” said Stefan Paschek. In the future, the demonstrators will be used in the master’s degree program IoT and intelligent systems as well as in the topic-related bachelor’s degree programs.