LAPIN AMK & UAS Technikum Wien: Cooperative International Student Project 2018-19 

28 March, 2019

In their first common international student project, students from LAPIN AMK and UAS Technikum Wien focused on the energy design of a new district in Korneuburg.

In September 2018 the partner universities LAPIN AMK (Lapland UAS) and UAS Technikum Wien started their first international student project joined by five Finnish students from the program Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and four Austrian students from the program Urban Renewable Energy Technologies. The goal of the project was the energy design of the former dockyard area, a newly developed district in Korneuburg, 15 km west of Vienna.

Certificate ceremony, FIN & AUT teams and project supervisors from LAPIN AMK and Technikum Wien

Erasmus week March 2019, Impressions from Lapland at LAPIN AMK, Kemi, Finland

The four mixed twin teams were supervised by expert Profs of Lapin, Ari Pikkarainen Mech. Eng., Jaakko Etto Electrical Eng., Martta Ruottu English teacher and Renewable Energy Systems expert Peter Franz, Prof of Technikum Wien. Beside the technical performance in Energy Engineering, language skills in English and communication tools were offered. The weekly sessions were organised by Adobe Connect and Skype meetings, sometimes took place at universities‘ project rooms, sometimes at home. The results were presented via a video conference comissioned by the supervisors.

Highlight of the project was the project week in Vienna and the certificate ceremony in Kemi, Finland. The University scientific board proclaimed to go on with the CIP project in 2019, then at a Finnish project site to be developed by the next student generation. Talks already started during the Erasmus exchange week in March 2019 at Lapland University of Applied Sciences.

Project supervisors from LAPIN AMK and student teams from Finland and Austria

Vienna, 25th March 2019, Peter Franz, CIP coordinator UAS Technikum Wien