Mental Strength for Students: A Visit from Extreme Athlete Christian Redl

04 June, 2024

Extreme sportsman and world record holder Christian Redl visited UAS Technikum Wien to offer students a workshop on breathing techniques and relaxation exercises to help them cope with stress.

At the end of May, 6th semester students on the Bachelor’s degree course in International Business and Engineering gained valuable insights into mental training techniques at Therme Wien. Extreme sportsman and speaker Christian Redl, known for his impressive diving records, taught breathing techniques and relaxation exercises that promote concentration and stamina. The participants not only learned these methods in theory, but also put them into practice, which enhanced the learning effect.

An afternoon to switch off

The idea behind the workshop was to offer students an opportunity to relax and mentally strengthen themselves during a stressful phase shortly before their Bachelor’s exams. Students who work alongside their studies often find themselves in a highly stressful situation. The workshop offered them the chance to “dive off” for an afternoon and calm down. The techniques learned should also help to reduce nervousness in front of the examination board.

Long-standing cooperation with Christian Redl

Course director Sabine Traxler (Bachelor International Business and Engineering), who organized the workshop, reported on the long-standing cooperation with Christian Redl and Therme Wien. Such workshops have been offered for many years and the feedback from the students has always been very positive. The participants appreciated the practical tips and the opportunity to practise directly on site at Therme Wien.

Support in stressful phases

The positive feedback on the workshop illustrates how important mental strength and relaxation techniques are for academic and personal success. UAS Technikum Wien plans to continue offering such workshops in the future in order to provide its students with the best possible support during stressful phases.

Further links:

Bachelor’s degree program in International Business and Engineering

Christian Redl – extreme athlete, world record holder, speaker

Extreme sportsman and speaker Christian Redl, known for his impressive diving records, taught breathing techniques and relaxation exercises that promote concentration and stamina.