Off to California: Uas Technikum Wien Sends Four Scholarship Holders to Silicon Valley

16 May, 2024

From Vienna to Silicon Valley: The participants’ first steps on the way to becoming a tech elite.

This summer, FHTW is once again sending students to Silicon Valley to gain exciting experiences, network internationally and expand their knowledge. At the preliminary meeting, the four scholarship holders Sebastian Winkler, Linda Herrmann, Iris Raab and David Oberleitner were informed about the programme, which will cover topics such as Innovation Advantage and disruptive technology trends such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, automation, digitalization and big data.

First-class knowledge in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship

In Silicon Valley, participants will experience an intensive program offered by the course provider “ABC Bootcamp” in San Jose and San Francisco, USA. They will learn from professors and guest speakers who have world-class knowledge in innovation and entrepreneurship. The program focuses on teaching participants how to recognize and leverage innovation through emerging technologies to meet the needs of modern consumers.

The four students will also have the fascinating opportunity to visit Silicon Valley companies, learn from their experiences and experience some local sights and culture in their free time as part of their stay in Silicon Valley.

Deepening professional skills with a stay in Silicon Valley

The scholarship holders were joined at the photo session at UAS Technikum Wien by Sylvia Geyer (FHTW Rector), Rafael Rasinger (FHTW, Innovation, Scale up and Networks), Agnes Kriz (FHTW, Head of International Office) and Kerstin Kraus (FHTW, Outgoing Student Mobility).

“The stay in Silicon Valley is not only an opportunity to deepen professional skills, but also a valuable experience for personal growth and the development of a global mindset,” says Sylvia Geyer (Rector of UAS Technikum Wien).

Internationalization skills for students play an important role at UAS Technikum Wien. The opportunities are diverse: from the excellence program in Silicon Valley, the multi-day excursion, to a semester abroad, from working as an international buddy for others to writing the Bachelor’s thesis in English.

About UAS Technikum Wien

UAS Technikum Wien is Austria’s university of applied sciences for technology and digitalization. Since its foundation in 1994, it has produced around 17,000 graduates. Currently, more than 4,500 students are being trained in more than 30 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs to become top professionals for the economy. The degree courses are offered in daytime or evening form. The courses are scientifically sound and at the same time practice-oriented. In addition to a high-quality technical education, great importance is also attached to business and personal development subjects. Excellent contacts and cooperation with business and industry open up excellent career opportunities for students and graduates. The interlinking of theory and practice is a top priority in both teaching and research.

Printable image here in the cloud folder:
here in the cloud folder.
(Photo credit: UAS Technikum Wien)

Pictured (from left to right): Agnes Kriz (FHTW, Head of International Office), Kerstin Kraus (FHTW, Outgoing Student Mobility), Rafael Rasinger (FHTW, Innovation, Scale up and Networks), the four students Sebastian Winkler, Iris Raab, David Oberleitner and Linda Herrmann, and Sylvia Geyer (FHTW Rector).

Further links:

Silicon Valley Summer School: Four students in the land of innovation

Summer School: Impressions from Silicon Valley

Inquiries & Contact:

Hannes Huber
Marketing & Communications
FH Technikum Wien
+43 664 889 609 58

Bilder Galerie:

Pictured (from left to right): The four students Sebastian Winkler, Iris Raab, David Oberleitner and Linda Herrmann will be traveling to Silicon Valley this summer.

Pictured (from left to right): Agnes Kriz (FHTW, Head of International Office), Kerstin Kraus (FHTW, Outgoing Student Mobility), Rafael Rasinger (FHTW, Innovation, Scale up and Networks), the four students Sebastian Winkler, Iris Raab, David Oberleitner and Linda Herrmann, and Sylvia Geyer (FHTW Rector).