Pupils Visited the Smart Living Lab at UAS Technikum Wien

Schulklasse vor der FHTW

13 July, 2022

A school class of the Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium recently visited the Smart Living Lab at UAS Technikum Wien and learned about the Bachelor Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies.

The Smart Living Lab and the bachelor’s degree program Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies at UAS Technikum Wien were recently in the focus of a visit by a school class from Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium. Program director Friedrich Praus presented the lab infrastructure to the 25 students as well as the contents of the degree program. The interested young people were given the opportunity to try out various smart home technologies on site.

Different assistive technologies were also tested by the pupils and used to control robots, dim the lights and play computer games. It was a successful visit that gave the young people a clear and practical understanding of the possible applications in this field.