Research Project at ECTEL Conference in Portugal: Medical Technology – Mixed Reality
27 September, 2023
Andrea Balz presented research project MedTech-mR in Aveiro.
The research project MedTech-mR (Medical Technology – Mixed Reality in Education Research) at UAS Technikum Wien was represented at the ECTEL conference – focusing on “Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures” – in Aveiro (Portugal) in early September.
Andrea Balz (Competence Field Manager Medical Engineering & Integrated Healthcare) took over the project coordination from Mathias Forjan in September and presented the virtual training environments for different medical scenarios developed in the project at the conference.
Another research project of UAS Technikum Wien was presented at the conference by Sarah Langer (Lecturer / Researcher Competence Field Medical Engineering & Integrated Healthcare): BERTL (Barrierfree Design for Teaching and Learning).
In the pictures: Andrea Balz at the ECTEL conference in Aveiro, Portugal.
The project MedTech-mR has been funded via the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG within the program COIN (COIN Aufbau 8. Ausschreibung “FH-Forschung für die Wirtschaft”) by the Austrian Ministry Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW).