Small wind power: New findings on the influence of building flow effects


17 July, 2023

Results of an experiment at the Lichtenegg Energy Research Park provide better estimates for mounting turbines.

Wind power is becoming more and more interesting also in populated areas. However, lack of space and low wind potential make these projects a difficult undertaking. Therefore, mounting wind turbines on roofs is an interesting alternative. Alexander Hirschl and Daniel Österreicher from the competence field Renewable Energy Technologies have investigated the flow effects of buildings and their influence on the performance of such wind turbines. The results can be read in the publication “Evaluation of the Influences of Different Roof Shapes on the Flow Properties and Performance of Small Wind Turbines” in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

At the Lichtenegg Energy Research Park, two different small wind turbines on a flat and gable roof were investigated. The measurement results show that some locations on and around the building are not suitable for the installation of wind turbines, while others have an increased wind potential. For the future, they will allow a better identification of all effects that influence the output power of the turbine.