Teaching Award at UAS Technikum Wien: Excellent Teachers and Innovative Master’s Theses

24 October, 2024
For the third time, good teaching and outstanding Master’s theses at the Technikum were made visible and honored.
On October 21, 2024, the Teaching Awards were presented for the third time in the ceremony hall of UAS Technikum Wien in the presence of colleagues, families and friends of the award winners. The Teaching Awards recognize outstanding teaching achievements nominated by the students and lecturers of the university. In several categories, courses and lecturers who have distinguished themselves through special commitment, both through didactically consistently solid and innovative approaches in teaching, were honored. In addition, these products of good teaching were also honored in the form of outstanding, innovative Master’s theses.
The event, which traditionally takes place at the beginning of the new academic year, began with a ceremonial welcome by Sylvia Lingo, Head of the Teaching and Learning Center, and Vice-Rector Stefan Sauermann, who wanted to celebrate the product of long, intensive work. At the UAS Technikum, seeds have always been sown – knowledge is imparted, motivation is strengthened, learning processes are accompanied and students are always given space to develop in order to live up to the claim “Change our Tomorrow”.
“In addition to daily work, pause for a moment and celebrate success together”
Managing Director Florian Eckkrammer, who was also part of the jury, emphasized the importance of teaching in his speech: “Teaching is not only our main business, but also the noblest task we have at the university. Selecting the best projects and ideas from the numerous award-winning ones was a real challenge.” He also emphasized how important it is to pause and celebrate success together in addition to the daily work.
Eckkrammer pointed out that it is particularly challenging in this day and age to create a “studyable setting” for today’s generation of students. He thanked the international jury for their work and emphasized that a large proportion of the proposals submitted came from student teams, which highlights the importance of teachers in their success.
In the “Best Lecturer ” category nominated by the student groups, the following lecturers were then honored for their outstanding achievements, some of which were underlined by personal laudations from the students:
Mohamed Auf (course title: Solution Deployment & Communication)
Dario Bachinger (course title: Paradigms of Object Orientation)
Markus Kuba-Kremser (course title: Mathematics for Engineering Science 2)
Gudrun Weisz (special prize “Math Support”)
In the “Learning & Study Success ‘ category, the award went to Christoph Mohl for his multi-layered approaches and teaching methods in the course: ’Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology”, which sustainably promote academic success.
The following people were then honored in the category “Impact and Relevance ‘ for their course ’Ecotoxicology Laboratory 1”:
Katharina Wießner
Martina Ortbauer
Thomas Machacek-Link
Ingrid Kolar
The following lecturers were honored in the category “Competence-Oriented Assessment ‘ for their courses ’Project Laboratory 1 & Project Laboratory 2”:
Veronika Jesenberger
Dorota Szwarc-Hofbauer
Andreas Teuschl-Woller
Awards for outstanding Master’s theses
Another highlight of the evening was the awarding of prizes for outstanding Master’s theses that stood out for their scientific excellence and relevance and were awarded a continuing education prize at the Technikum Wien Academy:
Pauline Weinzettl
Thesis title:
Investigating the Role of the Extracellular Matrix to Induce “Pioneer Melanoma Cells”
Andreas Teuschl-Woller, Karin Pfisterer
Andreas Kesselring
Title of the thesis:
Simulation in Medicine: A Finite Element Analysis of Custom-Developed Human Meniscus Model Based on Specimen Data
Florian Schüssler, Anna Christina Moser
Alexander Mühlegger
Title of the thesis:
Position Sensorless Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines – An Analysis on Different Strategies for Resolver Calibration at Standstill
Supervisor: Johannes Gragger
Corinna Rudlstorfer
Title of the thesis:
OTA updates in rescue vehicles – Potential risks and measures for rescue organizations with consideration of the NIS-2 directive
Rudlstorfer was unfortunately unable to attend due to illness and was honored in her absence.
Franz Hoheiser-Pförtner, Helmut Fidi
The jury was made up of the following people: Sylvia Geyer (Rector of UAS Technikum Wien), Florian Eckkrammer (Managing Director of UAS Technikum Wien), Herbert Grüner (Rector and Managing Director of New Design University), Barbara Louis (Program Manager at the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Vienna), Angela Weißköppel (Head of the Teaching Service Center at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences), Enisa Duric and Stefan Robien (HTW Executive Board team).
The Teaching Award was supported and accompanied by Sylvia Lingo and the Teaching and Learning Center, who were responsible for the announcement, nomination, jury meeting and preparation of the ceremony.
About UAS Technikum Wien:
UAS Technikum Wien is Austria’s university of applied sciences for technology and digitalization. Since its foundation in 1994, it has produced around 18,000 graduates. Currently, more than 4,700 students are being trained in more than 30 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs to become top professionals for the economy.
The degree courses are offered in daytime or evening form. The courses are scientifically sound and at the same time practice-oriented. In addition to a high-quality technical education, great importance is also attached to business and personal development subjects. Excellent contacts and cooperation with business and industry open up excellent career opportunities for students and graduates. The interlinking of theory and practice is a top priority in both teaching and research.
UAS Technikum Wien is a network partner of the FEEI – Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry and a member of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities.
Further information: www.technikum-wien.at
Further links:
The Teaching Award at UAS Technikum Wien
Winners of the FHTW Teaching Award 2022
Good teaching honored: Teaching Awards 2023 presented at UAS Technikum Wien
All about the Teaching and Learning Center | FHTW (technikum-wien.at)
Printable images here in the cloud folder:
Copyright: UAS Technikum Wien / Martin Nussbaum
In the pictures: Winners of the Teaching Award 2024 in the ceremony hall of UAS Technikum Wien.