WeCanTech High Potential Program: Supporting women in their professional careers

30 October, 2023

With the WeCanTech High Potential Program, UAS Technikum Wien wants to support women in their professional careers. Recently, the participants of the High Potential Program 2022/2023 met for the final event of the past cohort.

The WeCanTech High Potential Program of UAS Technikum Wien is aimed at women with potential for professional development and higher qualification as well as women who are already managers. From each faculty, two female employees from technical fields were selected and nominated for the High Potential Program. Recently, the participants of the High Potential Program 2022/2023 met for the final event of the last cohort.

Kick-Off High Potential Program

At the start of the program, an annual kick-off event is held to introduce and introduce the program, which lasts 12 months. Participants are given an insight into what to expect in the further course of the program and can use the event to get to know each other and network.

Competence training

Two training sessions on career-relevant topics with a focus on women’s specifics are held specifically for the group of WeCanTech high potentials.


Mentoring is a particularly powerful instrument for individual career support for women that also extends beyond mentees and mentors. Suitable mentors from the FHTW or from corporate partners are selected for the mentees, who then accompany them for a year. The meetings are arranged individually. If possible, the mentor also introduces the mentee to his or her own network, for example at events or conferences.

Individual one-to-one coaching

Each WeCanTech High Potential can take advantage of individual one-on-one coaching of up to five appointments to work on the respective next career steps. Different topics are available, such as individual job application coaching, personal approach in conflict situations or work-life balance coaching (with a special focus on prevention of overload and burn out).

In the picture: Participants of the High Potential Workshop: Frederike Ettwein, Elisabeth Wölfel, Gerda Huber, Barbara Gepp, Veronika Jesenberger, and Andrea Balz. Also present, but not in the picture: Sandra Carral, Parisay Alibazibehbahani, Isabel Dregely and Andrea Mizelli-Ojdanic.