Quantum Engineering

New Master’s degree program: start 2024/25.


The New Master’s Program for Quantum Technologies

Quantum technologies are currently making the crucial leap from basic research to market maturity. They are among the key digital technologies of the 21st century. The Quantum Engineering degree program is an excellent continuation of a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Electronics or Computer Science, but also offers graduates of other technical Bachelor’s degree programs very good job prospects in a promising professional field.

The specifically practice-oriented study program offers the opportunity to learn about the groundbreaking possibilities of quantum technology. From absolutely secure communication systems to software development for quantum computers and coherent systems – with this degree program you are well prepared for the future. The program is internationally oriented and conducted in English.


  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Language: English
  • Mode: Full-time
  • Costs per semester: € 363.36 tuition fee, € 25,20 ÖH fee; € 3,000 Tuition fee for students from third countries: exceptions and information
  • Attendance times: Monday to Friday during the day
  • Possibility for a semester abroad
  • Recommended semester abroad (optional): 2, 3, 4

Attendance times

08:00 a.m.-05:40 p.m.
08:00 a.m.-05:40 p.m.
08:00 a.m.-05:40 p.m.
08:00 a.m.-05:40 p.m.
08:00 a.m.-05:40 p.m.
Attendance at UASTW

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Career Prospects

The program trains highly qualified engineers who develop hardware for quantum computers and quantum sensors, program quantum computers, implement systems for quantum cryptography or work in photonics with coherent light. The demand for workers in quantum technologies is high and will increase rapidly in the coming years. Close collaborations with industry allow our students to take field trips, internships, and thesis projects in companies. In this way, they can already establish contacts with future employers during their studies.

News from this Program


Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Hermann Detz

Program Director Master Quantum Engineering
Senior Lecturer/Researcher

Victoria Berende

Administrative Assistant
Bachelor Computer Science (full time)
Master Quantum Engineering

+43 664 820 55 44victoria.berende@technikum-wien.at



The next step to study in the Master’s degree program Quantum Engineering is to apply via our online application system:

  • The entire application process is handled via a dedicated application website.
  • Your data is stored securely and is being treated with strict confidentiality.
  • A registration system makes it possible to start an application and complete it at a later point in time.
  • Once you have entered your user data and uploaded documents, you can also use them for subsequent applications.