UCERS – User-centered solutions for digital and sustainable Energy Communities

The main goals of the cooperative R&D project are:

  • Implemented and operational independent and free available online Community Data Exchange Platform (offering a vital baseline functionality: connect parties, get them into basic contractual agreements, consent management, data sharing and processing,…) for a scalable and easy-to-use implementation of Energy Communities (EC) in Austria to foster the future market diffusion of EC
  • Functional and tested Operation & Optimization Platform for EC to enable efficient organization (e. g. further contractual agreements, billing, etc.) and common optimization in terms of energy management within the community
  • Practical experiences from several demonstrations of EC (based on developed platforms) and applicable knowledge about acceptance and willingness of end users to participate in EC
  • Implemented Citizen Science Platform / Network to establish a long-term cooperation with dedicated end-customers for future projects.
  • Developed criteria and mechanisms to assess the sustainability of EC with focus on ecological, societal and economical effects to verify and optimize the sustainability of community projects

Resilient Energy Systems
Department Industrial Engineering
from February 2022 to February 2022
Dr.techn. Matthew Clarke
Mathew Clarke
Dr.techn. Matthew Clarke

Senior Lecturer/Researcher

+43 1 333 40 77 - 3420matthew.clarke@technikum-wien.atDetails