The aim of the research project DIGENSIO ist the transdisciplinary technology assessment on digitalisation of the energy transition. This is important, because the transition of urban energysystems is concerning all citizens  in various ways: it is about every day life in energy flexible households ( “smart home”), the role of customers in the energy market,pPrivacy issues,  the affordability  of new technical solutions  for different communities and barierre free acces to all these innovations. A sustainable development of these innovations claims for a timely, comprehensive and therefore transdiciplinary assessment of  postive and negative societal impacts.

Renewable Energy Systems
Department Industrial Engineering
City of Vienna
from September 2020 to June 2024
Mag. Daniel Bell
Mag. Daniel Bell

Head of Competence Center Resilient Energy Systems
Research Focus Manager Renewable Energy Systems
Senior Lecturer/Researcher

+43 1 333 40 77 - 3426daniel.bell@technikum-wien.at