European districts have a key role to play in the attainment of a future low carbon economy. The envisaged actions of the given project are representative for innovative refurbishment with large potential of immediate replication of other residential buildings from the municipalities & the social housing involved. ProLight assembles & closely integrates all needed actors & measures. A multi-actor approach uses a methodological concept that explicitly takes into account that energy is part of natural resources of involved demo districts. The envisaged solutions will lead to better quality of life for all targeted end-users. This includes to find suitable social responses for awareness creation, up-take of knowledge, establishment of behavioral changes towards the energy efficient use & the integration of renewables within an appropriate local political frame. Analysed districts include: 1) Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way in AT, FI & GR, 2) Energy communities in ES, IT & PT combined in so-called Innovation clusters. Applied research will be connected with theoretical analysis that involves identifying and compiling good practices, successful initiatives and and exemplar real-world demo sites. These practices will be assessed and lead to a complete European competence framework, encapsulating the skills required to reach this change via recorded successful methods observed through ProLight. The project combines individual, gender & collective aspects of active and responsible citizenship in an integrated working concept, to conceptualize climate-aware citizens and communities. ProLight exploits the potential of this growing wave of civic engagement and citizen science, in order to facilitate the transition to green, sustainable societies & economies. ProLight achieves this by understanding, defining, measuring & assessing of 6 demo districts in different regions of Europe & disseminate effectively project results.
ProLight – Better quality of life and affordable social housing: A standardized approach will be tested in six demo sites and energy communities that will act as urban incubators of technological, social, regulatory & market solutions. Our common goal is identify proper methodologies fostering European Lighthouse and pocket districts, providing blueprints for replication and creating energy & climate-aware communities. Analysed districts include: 1) Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way in Austria, Finland & Greece, 2) Energy communities in Spain, Italy & Portugal combined in so-called Innovation clusters.

Head of Competence Center
Renewable Energy Technologies
Climate-fit Buildings and Districts
Senior Lecturer/Researcher