Competence building for sustainable development and implementation of digital solutions for regional energy systems and markets

Initial situation and motivation: In order to continue to ensure the future security of supply with maximum energy efficiency and a high proportion of renewable energy sources, our energy system will have to undergo a fundamental transformation in the coming years, taking into account increasing digitization and changing framework conditions and requirements. These changes and the associated challenges are already presenting the employees of energy and technology companies with numerous new challenges. At the same time, however, new technological and systemic developments are also opening up new opportunities. In this respect, the development and implementation of digital, integrated, regional energy systems and markets is becoming increasingly important at both the national and European levels.

Qualification goals and planned results: Due to the lack of available training and further education opportunities, the UAS Technikum Wien, together with partners from science and industry, is developing a future-oriented and customized qualification measure for the sustainable development and implementation of digital solutions for regional energy systems and markets in the planned project.

The primary goals of this qualification measure are the increase of research, development and innovation competence in the participating companies as well as the development and sustainable establishment of new, innovative knowledge and new cooperation. Further goals include the extensive dissemination of the knowledge gained in the project, the feedback into the teaching at the UASTW as well as the development of an academic course at the Technikum Wien Academy in order to make the contents developed permanently available. In preparation for the joint development of new knowledge and innovative concepts, the first step will be to identify central contents in these subject areas and subsequently to build up the corresponding know-how in the consortium. For this purpose, a didactic concept adapted to the participants will be developed. Finally, the acquired knowledge is applied and consolidated within the framework of individual and small group projects.

The contents planned in the consortium include:

Current developments, framework conditions, opportunities and challenges of digital, regional energy systems and markets; digital technologies for energy systems; system architecture of digital energy systems; digital energy markets: processes and business models; interoperability as a key factor for integrated energy systems; safety and cyber security in the increasingly digitalized energy industry.


  • NIKKO Engineering GmbH
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • LINZ STROM GAS WÄRME GmbH für Energiedienstleistungen und Telekommunikation
  • ATB-Becker e.U.
  • Reisenbauer Solutions GmbH
  • Sticon e.U.
  • Sonnenplatz Großschönau GmbH
Renewable Energy Systems
Department Industrial Engineering
from June 2021 to November 2022
Mag. Daniel Bell
Mag. Daniel Bell

Head of Competence Center Resilient Energy Systems
Research Focus Manager Renewable Energy Systems
Senior Lecturer/Researcher

+43 1 333 40 77 -