FH-Prof. Dr. Andreas Drauschke
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Andreas Drauschke worked for six years at the Institute of Applied Physics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena as a university assistant and in various research projects. Numerous patents resulted from his work on rigorous diffraction theory and approximation methods in analysis and design of optical elements. In the course of his activities, Dr. Andreas Drauschke supervised beginner’s internships in various fields of study (physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and nutritional sciences).
Between 2003 and 2007 he worked in research and development activities in industry (R & D at Philips, optical developer at Phemos Consultig GmbH). These activities resulted in two patents.
Since September 2005 he has been working as a lecturer at the FH Technikum Wien. His main responsibilities are the development and expansion of existing laboratory structures, as well as lecturing in the courses of study Biomedical Engineering and Electronics.
Since September 2007 he supports as scientific coordinator the research project (MA 27-Project 04-06) “Ventilation Technology with focus on High Frequency Ventilation”, which is funded by the City of Vienna.