Ing. Bettina Dekrout
Laboratory Technician
- College for Chemistry | HBLVA für chemische Industrie Rosensteingasse
- BA Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Intercultural Communication and Mediation
- Building Bridges – „on-hands“ promoting Science and Technology
- Discussiongames – playfully arousing curiosity in Teaching and Research
- Poison prevention officer
- Projectmanagement
Professional Development
- UAS Technikum Wien since 2016
- GMI – Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
- Group Claudia Jonak – main focus on plant stress (salt, drought, etc.)
- Department of Dermatology, AKH Vienna
- Department of Laboratory Medicine
- Immuno AG, pan European AIDS Study
- Institute of Biochemistry, University of Vienna
- Project in collaboration with Biochemie Kundl
- Microbiology
- Molecularbiological Methods
- Molecular Plant Biology & Plantwork
- Cellculture – Pflanzen & Tiere
- Proteinchemistry
- Histological stainings – execution and analysis
- Science Communication – Kinderuni, lange Nacht der Forschung, Ferienspiel