FH-Prof. DI Mag. Emil Simeonov
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
The Global Math Project
- Emil Simeonov, Barbara Pieronkiewicz (2017)
Is Mathematics an Issue of General Education?
- Emil Simeonov (2017)
Living Mathematics—some limits for abstraction in mathematics and their relation to experience
- Emil Simeonov (2015)
Structure, Semiosis and Time - Anticipation and Surprise Recognition of Structure and Gestalt – exemplified by similarities between music and mathematics
- Emil Simeonov (2014)
Is Mathematics an Issue of General Education?
- Emil Simeonov (2015)
- Mathematical Cultures: The London Meetings 2012-2014
Portfolio für den Mathematikunterricht an Bildungsanstalten für Kindergartenpädagogik
- Ursula Petschnigg, Emil Simeonov, Daniela Mairinger, Christian Schmid (2014)
Mathematische Früherziehung - Formen
- Emil Simeonov, Daniela Mairinger, Christian Schmid (2014)