FH-Prof. DI Helmut Gollner
International Coordinator
Internationalisierung von Fachhochschulstudiengängen.: Ideen, Konzepte & Erfahrungsberichte
- Thomas Wala, Florian Ellinger, Peter Franz, Agnes Kriz, Sabine Zangl, Kurt Sohm, Momir Tabakovic, Helmut Gollner, Mark Adams, Stefan Litzenberger (2021)
How Online Teaching Material Can Help Students to Increase the Efficiency of Learning
- Daniela Schmidt, Robert Pucher, Helmut Gollner (2015)
How Online Teaching Material Can Help Students to Increase the Efficiency of Learning
- Daniela Waller, Robert Pucher, Helmut Gollner (2014)
An Evaluation of Usage and Spreading of New Technologies In Business And Professional Life
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner, Peter Balog, Felix Kohmaier, Daniela Schleinzer, Aniko Török (2013)
Mobile Internet Security Threats And The Security Awareness Of Smartphone Users
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Christian Kaufmann, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner, Ümit Albayrak, Rudolf Budschedl, Marc Rathai (2012)
The Importance of Soft Skills in Technical Oriented Education
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner, Christian Himmler, Wolfgang Rogner, Thomas Baierl, Roman Slobodian (2012)
Soft Skills In Practice, And In Education – An Evaluation
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Florian Eckkrammer, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Christian Himmler, Wolfgang Rogner, Thomas Baierl, Roman Slobodian (2011)
Teaching Interdisciplinary Topics by Transforming a Technical Oriented Course into Problem Based Learning
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Florian Eckkrammer, Christian Kaufmann (2010)
Knowledge Preservation and Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Nimmervoll, Helmut Gollner (2009)
Do Competitions between Teams in Self-Directed Learning Increase the Performance of Students?
- Harald Wahl, Robert Pucher, Alexander Mense, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Alexander Hofmann, Alexander Nimmervoll, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner (2008)
An innovative combination of non-traditional teaching methods for learning in small groups
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Alexander Nimmervoll, Robert Pucher, Helmut Gollner, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2008)
A Set of Consecutive Courses in Business Informatics to help IT Professionals being Successful
- Harald Wahl, Helmut Gollner, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2007)
A Set of Consecutive Courses in Business Informatics to help IT Professionals being Successful
- Harald Wahl, Helmut Gollner, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2007)
From Teaching to Learning - An Innovative Approach to Engineering Education
- Helmut Gollner, Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Christian Kollmitzer (2006)
Handle Team Changes in Student Projects – the Example of the Vienna Cubes
- Harald Wahl, Robert Pucher, Alexander Hofmann, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2006)
How Online Teaching Material Can Help Students to Increase the Efficiency of Learning
- Daniela Waller, Robert Pucher, Helmut Gollner (2014)
- Proceedings of the 7th International GUIDE Conference - Cultural Identity in the Midst of Global Modernization
An Evaluation of Usage and Spreading Of New Technologies In Business And Professional Life
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner, Peter Balog, Felix Kohmaier, Daniela Schleinzer, Aniko Török (2013)
- Proceedings of the 2013 Clute Institute International Academic Conference
Mobile Internet Security Threats And The Security Awareness Of Smartphone Users
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Christian Kaufmann, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner, Ümit Albayrak, Rudolf Budschedl, Rathai Marc (2012)
- In Proceedings of The 2012 Las Vegas International Academic Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
The Importance of Soft Skills in Technical Oriented Education
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner, Christian Himmler, Wolfgang Rogner, Thomas Baierl, Roman Slobodian (2012)
- In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT 2012), Orlando, Florida, USA
Using The Output Of Master Study Program As Input For IT-Security Lectures In A Distance-Learning Bachelor Course Program
- Alexander Mense, Christian Kaufmann, Harald Wahl, Helmut Gollner (2011)
- Proceedings of The 2011 Las Vegas International Academic Conference; Las Vegas, Nevada
Soft Skills In Practice, And In Education – An Evaluation
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Florian Eckkrammer, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Christian Himmler, Wolfgang Rogner, Thomas Baierl, Roman Slobodian (2011)
- Proceedings of The 2011 Las Vegas International Academic Conference; Las Vegas, Nevada
Integrating Undergraduate Students into large Research Projects for Teaching Purposes
- Robert Pucher, Helmut Gollner (2010)
- Proceedings der Konferenz (KNUE) / 16.-17. April 2010 / Kharkiv National University of Economics
Teaching Interdisciplinary Topics by Transforming a Technical Oriented Course into Problem Based Learning
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Florian Eckkrammer, Christian Kaufmann (2010)
- Proceedings of the ICETI 2010 / International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics / 6th-9th April, 2010 / Orlando, Florida (USA)
Knowledge Preservation and Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Nimmervoll, Helmut Gollner (2009)
- Abstracts of the ICERI / International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation / International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) / Chova, Belengure, Torres / 2009 / 16th-18th November / Despositó Legal / Madrid (Spain)
Competency in Finding Solutions Tailored to Requirements of Customers – Can it be Assessed by Exams?
- Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Gabriela Brezowar, Helmut Gollner (2008)
- 15th Annual EDINEB International Conference “Advances in Business Education and Training” / June 11-13 2008 / Malaga (Spain)
An innovative combination of non-traditional teaching methods for learning in small groups
- Harald Wahl, Alexander Mense, Alexander Nimmervoll, Robert Pucher, Helmut Gollner, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2008)
- Proceedings of the International Conference PBL2008 ABP
Competency in Finding Solutions Tailored to Requirements of Customers – Can it be Assessed by Exams?
- Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Alexander Mense, Gabriela Brezowar, Helmut Gollner, Harald Wahl (2008)
- 15th Annual EDINEB International Conference “Advances in Business Education and Training” / June 11-13 2008 / Malaga (Spain)
Personal PBL Experiences with Theoretical Computer Science Lectures
- Alexander Nimmervoll, Robert Pucher, Harald Wahl, Helmut Gollner, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2008)
- Proceedings of the International Conference PBL2008 ABP
Personal PBL Experiences with Theoretical Computer Science Lectures
- Alexander Nimmervoll, Robert Pucher, Harald Wahl, Helmut Gollner, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2008)
- Proceedings of the International Conference PBL2008 ABP / Colima (Mexic
Do Competitions between Teams in Self Directed Learning Increase the Performance of Students?
- Harald Wahl, Robert Pucher, Alexander Mense, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Alexander Hofmann, Alexander Nimmervoll, Florian Eckkrammer, Helmut Gollner (2008)
- Proceedings of the 15th Annual EDINEB International Conference "Advances in Business Education and Training" / June 11-13 2008 / Malaga (Spain)
A Set of Consecutive Courses in Business Informatics to help IT Professionals being Successful
- Harald Wahl, Helmut Gollner, Christian Kaufmann, Alexander Mense, Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2007)
- Proceedings of the 14th Annual EDINEB International Conference “Preparing Business Professionals for ther Changing Global Workplace”; Vienna
From Teaching to Learning - An Innovative Approach to Engineering Education
- Helmut Gollner, Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Christian Kollmitzer (2006)
- Proceedings of the International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems (SICPRO 2006)
Handle Team Changes in Student Projects - the Example of the Vienna Cubes
- Harald Wahl, Robert Pucher, Alexander Hofmann, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2006)
- Proceedings of the International Conference PBL2006ABP
Design of Master Degree Programs to Meet Todays Business Needs
- Robert Pucher, Fritz Schmöllebeck, Christian Kollmitzer, Helmut Gollner, Peter Balog, Alexander Mense, Harald Wahl (2005)
- Management of Change - 12th Annual EDINEB Conference
Soft Skills In Practice And In Education: An Evaluation
- Harald Wahl, Christian Kaufmann, Florian Eckkrammer, Alexander Mense, Helmut Gollner, Christian Himmler, Wolfgang Rogner, Thomas Baierl, Roman Slobodian (2012)
- American Journal Of Business Education