Janine Tomasch, PhD
- Seit 2018 | Doktoratsstudium der technischen Chemie, Technische Universität Wien & FH Technikum Wien
- 2015 – 2017 | Master Abschluss (MSc) in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, FH Technikum Wien
- 2012-2015 | Bachelor Abschluss (BSc) in Biomedical Engineering, FH Technikum Wien
Professional Activities
- Since 2018 | Doctoral studies Technical Chemistry, Technical University of Vienna & UAS Technikum Vienna
- 2015 – 2017 | Master degree (MSc) in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, UAS Technikum Vienna
- 2012-2015 | Bachelor degree (BSc) in Biomedical Engineering, UAS Technikum Vienna
- Cell biology
- Molecular biology
- Cell signaling
- Skeletal muscle tissue engineering
- Bioreactors
- 3D cell culture
Cyclic Tensile Stress Induces Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Myonuclear Accretion in a 3D Model
- Janine Tomasch, Babette Maleiner, Carina Hromada, Dorota Szwarc-Hofbauer, Andreas Teuschl-Woller (2023)
- Tissue Eng. Part A.
Changes in Elastic Moduli of Fibrin Hydrogels Within the Myogenic Range Alter Behavior of Murine C2C12 and Human C25 Myoblasts Differently
- Janine Tomasch, Babette Maleiner, Philipp Heher, Manuel Rufin, Orestis G. Andriotis, Philipp J. Thurner, Heinz Redl, Christiane Fuchs, Andreas H. Teuschl-Woller (2022)
- Froniers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Optimizing the Surface Structural and Morphological Properties of Silk Thin Films via Ultra-Short Laser Texturing for Creation of Muscle Cell Matrix Model
- Liliya Angelova, Albena Daskalova, Emil Filipov, Xavier Monforte Vila, Janine Tomasch, Georgi Avdeev, Andreas Herbert Teuschl-Woller, Ivan Buchvarov (2022)
- Polymers
The Importance of Biophysical and Biochemical Stimuli in Dynamic Skeletal Muscle Models.
- Babette Maleiner, Janine Tomasch, Philipp Heher, Oliver Spadiut, Dominik Rünzler, Christiane Fuchs (2018)
- Frontiers in Physiology
Strategies to improve the myogenic outcome of skeletal muscle tissue engineering approaches through optimization of biomaterial properties and mechanical stimuli
- Janine Tomasch (2022)
Engineering of 3D Tissue Constructs Using our Novel MagneTissue Bioreactor as Alternatives to Animal Models
- Carina Hromada, Janine Tomasch, Anna Weihs, Dominik Rünzler, Andreas Teuschl (2018)
The Importance of Biomechanical Cues for In Vitro Skeletal Myogenesis
- Philipp Heher, Janine Tomasch, Babette Maleiner, Heinz Redl, Christiane Fuchs (2017)
Generation of 3D skeletal muscle-like scaffolds via the application of mechanical stimuli
- Janine Tomasch (2017)