FH-Prof. Mathias Forjan, PhD, MSc, MBA
Managing Director Technikum Wien Gmbh
Mathias Forjan is Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Faculty of Life Science Engineering and Head of the competence center “Medical Engineering & Integrated Healthcare” at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences from the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in Portugal (2018), after his Bachelor and Master studies of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria (2009, 2011). For three years, he was deputy program director of the Biomedical Engineering Sciences Master’s program and coordinates the research projects in the research area ” Data-Driven, Smart & Secure Systems ” for the Life Science Engineering Department. In addition, his tasks include the coordination of international activities of the Life Science Engineering faculty. Mathias Forjan is an ISTQB certified Software Tester and former IHE Connectathon Monitor. He is a lecturer and trainer on IHE Connectathon, software quality management and software risk management. In the Biomedical Engineering (Bachelor) and Medical Engineering & eHealth (Master) courses, Mathias Forjan teaches medical device technology, ventilation technology and aerosol measurement technology. Within the competence center he is responsible for the topic of Applied virtual and augmented reality in medical & healthcare processes.
- Fabian Wagner, Miran Jank, Andrea Balz, Mathias Forjan, Philipp Urbauer (2023)
- dHealth 2023, 17th Annual Conference on Health Informatics meets Digital Health, pp. 6
- Miran Jank, Fabian Wagner, Philipp Urbauer, Andrea Balz, Mathias Forjan (2023)
- Healthcare Transformation with Informatics and Artificial Intelligence / 21th International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare
- Philipp Urbauer, Mathias Forjan (2020)
- 9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion DSAI (2020)
- Richard Pasteka, Joao Pedro Santos da Costa, Mathias Forjan (2019)
- 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan (2019)
- 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan (2019)
- 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan, Andreas Drauschke (2018)
- Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems PDeS 2018
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Richard Paštěka, Matthias Scherer, Otto Hofstätter (2018)
- DSAI 2018 - 8th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan, Veronika David (2018)
- DSAI 2018 - 8th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Johannes Martinek, Stefan Kotzian, Harald Jagos, Dietmar Rafolt (2017)
- IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2017)
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- IFMBE,volume 65; EMBEC & NBC 2017
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann (2017)
- Health Informatics meets eHealth. Digital Insight – Information-Driven Health & Care Proceedings of the 11th eHealth2017 Conference (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 236)
- Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Juliane Herzog, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann (2015)
- Current Developments in Web-Based Learning. Proceedings of the ICWL 2015
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Matthias Scherer, Martin Reichel (2015)
- 9. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DgfB) 2015
- Juliane Herzog, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2015 - Health Informatics Meets eHealth
- Juliane Herzog, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
- Proceedings of Medical Informatics in Europe (MIE 2015) - Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans
- Gregor Lenz, Matthias Frohner, Stefan Sauermann, Mathias Forjan (2014)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2014 - Health Informatics Meets Informatics
- Mathias Forjan, Matthias Frohner (2014)
- Abstracts of the 9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (ALTEX Proceedings) 2014
- Philipp Urbauer, Juliane Herzog, Birgit Pohn, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann (2014)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2014 - Health Informatics Meets Informatics
- Juliane Herzog, Birgit Pohn, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Philipp Urbauer (2014)
- Proceedings of eHealth 2014 - Health Informatics Meets Informatics
- Matthias Frohner, Michael Windisch, Stefan Sauermann, Jiri Sekora, Mathias Forjan (2013)
- Proceedings of the 12th IFAC/IEEE International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems (PDeS 2013)
- Theresa Steiner, Mathias Forjan, Tamara Kopp, Zbynêk Bures, Andreas Drauschke (2012)
- Proceedings of the 46th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Ferenc Gerbovics, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- 46th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering(BMT 2012)
- Andreas Drauschke, Elisabet Rank, Silke Auer, Mathias Forjan, Lukas Traxler (2012)
- Proceedings of the 46th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering
- Richard Pasteka, Lara Alina Schöllbauer, Joao Pedro Santos da Costa, Radim Kolar, Mathias Forjan (2022)
- Pharmaceutics, pp. 15
- Richard Pasteka, Joao Pedro Santos da Costa, Nelson Barros, Radim Kolar, Mathias Forjan (2021)
- Applied Sciences
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Andreas Drauschke (2019)
- Scientific Reports
- Bernhard Riess, Veronika David, Matthias Scherer, Stefan Kotzian, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- Journal of Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics
- Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Alexander Mense (2013)
- Computers in biology and medicine
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- European Journal for Biomedical Informatics
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan, Andreas Drauschke (2018)
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan, Andreas Drauschke (2018)
- ALTEX Proceedings - EUSAAT 2018, Linz
- Mathias Forjan, Richard Pasteka, Andreas Drauschke (2018)
- ALTEX Proceedings - EUSAAT 2018, Linz
- Matthias Scherer, Stefan Zapf, Cornelia Salomon, Stefan Kotzian, Mathias Forjan (2018)
- Andres Igor Tkachenko Bril, Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Jakob Gaudernak, Katharina Pils (2018)
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Richard Paštěka, Matthias Scherer, Otto Hofstätter (2018)
- Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan (2018)
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan (2018)
- Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- Richard Pasteka, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Andres Igor Tkachenko Bril (2017)
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- Cornelia Salomon, Matthias Scherer, Veronika David, Stefan Kotzian, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- Bernhard Riess, Veronika David, Matthias Scherer, Stefan Kotzian, Mathias Forjan (2017)
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Johannes Martinek, Stefan Kotzian, Harald Jagos, Dietmar Rafolt (2017)
- Mathias Forjan (2016)
- Stefan Sauermann, Mathias Forjan, Matthias Frohner (2016)
- Stefan Sauermann, Mathias Forjan (2016)
- Veronika David, Harald Jagos, Stefan Kotzian, Mathias Forjan, Anton Sabo (2016)
- Veronika David, Mathias Forjan, Matthias Scherer, Martin Reichel (2015)
- Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Juliane Herzog, Philipp Urbauer, Stefan Sauermann (2015)
- Juliane Herzog, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
- Juliane Herzog, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense, Mathias Forjan, Philipp Urbauer (2015)
- Gregor Lenz, Matthias Frohner, Stefan Sauermann, Mathias Forjan (2014)
- Mathias Forjan, Matthias Frohner (2014)
- Juliane Herzog, Birgit Pohn, Mathias Forjan, Stefan Sauermann, Philipp Urbauer (2014)
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- Philipp Urbauer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- Matthias Frohner, Philipp Urbauer, Mathias Forjan, Birgit Pohn, Ferenc Gerbovics, Stefan Sauermann, Alexander Mense (2012)
- Andrea Balz, Sarah Langer, Matthias Frohner, Mathias Forjan (2022)
- Abstracts of the 2022 Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian (ÖGBMT), German (VDE DGBMT) and Swiss (SSBE) Societies for Biomedical Engineering, including the 14th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation
- Nada Eidi, Andrea Balz, Mathias Forjan (2022)
- Abstracts of the 2022 Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian (ÖGBMT), German (VDE DGBMT) and Swiss (SSBE) Societies for Biomedical Engineering, including the 14th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation
- Michaela Malaskova, Mathias Forjan (2022)
- Abstracts of the 2022 Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian (ÖGBMT), German (VDE DGBMT) and Swiss (SSBE) Societies for Biomedical Engineering, including the 14th Vienna International Workshop on Functional Electrical Stimulation