FH-Prof. Ing. Momir Tabakovic PhD. MSc
Head of Competence Center
Renewable Energy Technologies
Climate-fit Buildings and Districts
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
- 2014 – 2018 | Doctoral study | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,81243 Bratislava
- 2011 – 2011 | Master Thesis | Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
- 2009 – 2011 | Master Renewable Energy Systems | University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Vienna
- 2006 – 2009 | Bachelor Electronics and Business | University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Vienna
- 06/2012 – present | Researcher and lecture, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Institute for Renewable Energy; 1200 Vienna
- Member of scientific staff with focus on Photovoltaic, Buildingintegrated Photovoltaic and Plus-Energy districts
- International and national project management
- Lecturer of renewable energies, focus on PV and Plus-Energy districts
- Supervising Master and bachelor thesis
- 2018 – present | Guest lectures- Slovakia, Hungary
- Photovoltaic, Plus- Energy Districts, Thermoelectricity
- 06/2007 – 06/2012 | Manufacturing Specialist, Baxter AG, 2304 Orth/Donau
- Production planning and control
- Supervisor deputy
- Project management
- Lean management
- Projektmanagement und Projektakquise
- Internationalisierung von Curricula
- Roadmapping und Strategieentwicklungen
- Integrative Planung
- Simulation und Entwicklung von nachhaltige Energieszenarien
- Studiengangsentwicklung
Industry – University cooperation in the renewable energy field in south Africa- Gap analysis and enhancement proposals
- Momir Tabakovic, Csilla Csapo (2021)
- UNITO conference, Webinar, Universities of Tomorrow: Global, Interdisciplinary, Digitized, Sustainable, HTWG Konstanz
- Roland Valckenborg, Karl A. Berger, Gusztáv Újvári, Gabriele C. Eder, Lukas Gaisberger, Momir Tabakovic, Christina S. Polo Lopez, Simon Boddaert, Matteo del Buono, Nuria Martín Chivelet, Asier Sanz Martinez, Jun-Tae Kim, Anne Gerd Imenes (2021)
- 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Proceedings, September 6-10, 2021
Optimization of a simulation for thermoelectric generators and their application in water boiler systems with combustion chamber
- Cristian Chirita, Momir Tabakovic (2021)
- X International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection
Energieversorgungslösungen auf Quartiersebene
- Momir Tabakovic, Benjamin Böckl, Michael A. Berger, Herbert Hermis, Daniel Nauschegg, Johannes Wall (2021)
- World Energy Council Austria Young Energy Professionals
Operating models for PV systems in existing residential building complexes in Vienna – challenges and opportunities
- Momir Tabakovic, Marlen Würfl, Eduardo Guerra, Miriam Gutleder (2021)
- XI International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2021 (IIZS 2021)
Way to positive energy districts in Vienna
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Jens Leibold, Thomas Zelger, Nadja Bartlmä, Peter Holzer, Petra Schöffmann (2019)
- Mission Innovation Austria
State of play and future of small-town urban buildings guided by an energy-autonomy vision statement: consumption, calculation and potential embedded in Smart City Demo Way2Smart
- Simon Schneider, Thomas Zelger, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
- BauZ! 2018 In Betrieb gesetzt! - Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen
Combining bottom-up and top-down approaches to converge heterogeneous building data into a homogenous, interactive and expandable energy autonomy platform
- Simon Schneider, Thomas Zelger, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
- BauZ! 2018 In Betrieb gesetzt! - Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen
Development of BIPV courseware for students and professionals
- Momir Tabakovic, Wilfried van Sark, Atse Louwen, Ingrid Weiss, Sofia Arancon, George Makrides, Maria Hadjipanayi, Eliza Loucaidou (2018)
- Proceeding: Austrian PV Conference
Direct conversation of waste heat from solid-fuel stove into electric energy using a high temperature thermoelectric generator compared to Bi2Te3 thermoelectric generator
- Momir Tabakovic (2018)
- Proceeding: ISEC 2018
Development of BIPV courseware for students and professionals
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner, Wilfried van Sark, Atse Louwen, Ingrid Weiss, Sofia Arancón, George Geourghiou, George Makrides, Maria Hadjipanayi, Eliza Loucaidou, Monica Ioannidou (2017)
- Proceedings of the 34th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC 2017)
Korneuburgs way2smart - mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Pierre Laurent, Thomas Zelger, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Hildegund Figl (2017)
- Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society (REAL CORP 2017 - PANTA RHEI)
Status and outlook for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) in relation to educational needs in the BIPV sector
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner (2016)
- Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2016
Smart Cities Education as Mobility, Energy & ICT Hub
- Momir Tabakovic, Darya Bululukova, Harald Wahl (2015)
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS) 2016
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
- Momir Tabakovic, Darya Bululukova, Harald Wahl (2015)
- Proceedings of the REAL CORP 2016
Internationalisierung von Fachhochschulstudiengängen.: Ideen, Konzepte & Erfahrungsberichte
- Thomas Wala, Florian Ellinger, Peter Franz, Agnes Kriz, Sabine Zangl, Kurt Sohm, Momir Tabakovic, Helmut Gollner, Mark Adams, Stefan Litzenberger (2021)
Analyze and optimize the prototype of a thermoelectric generator: as an electrical renewable power source for biomass stoves
- Momir Tabakovic (2011)
Energieversorgungslösungen auf Quartiersebene
- Momir Tabakovic, Herbert Hemis (2021)
International Weeks als Plattformen für länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit
- Momir Tabakovic (2021)
Aktueller Stand und Zukunft von stadteigenen Gebäuden einer Kleinstadt mit energieautonomen Leitbild: Verbrauch, Berechnung und Potential im Rahmen von Smart City Demo Way2Smart
- Simon Schneider, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
Analysis of Half-Heusler and Bi2Te3 thermoelectric generator for direct conversion of waste heat recovery from a solid-fueled stoves
- Momir Tabakovic (2018)
Way2Smart Korneuburg: Smart Cities Projekt
- Momir Tabakovic (2018)
Korneuburgs way2smart – mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Pierre Laurent, Thomas Zelger, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Hildegrund Figl (2017)
Korneuburgs way2smart - mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Pierre Laurent, Thomas Zelger, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Hildegund Figl (2017)
Development of BIPV courseware for students and professionals
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner, Wilfried van Sark, Atse Louwen, Ingrid Weiss, Sofia Arancón, George Geourghiou, George Makrides, Maria Hadjipanayi, Eliza Loucaidou, Monica Ioannidou (2017)
Analysis and Optimization of a Thermoelectric Generator as an Electrical Renewable Power Source for Biomass Boilers
- Momir Tabakovic (2017)
Strom im Wohnbau - Die Zukunft hat begonnen
- Momir Tabakovic (2017)
Status and outlook for building integrated photovoltaics(BIPV) in relation to educational needs in the BIPV sector
- Momir Tabakovic (2016)
Integrative Secondary Education Programmes and Research in Smart Cities Context
- Momir Tabakovic (2016)
Welche Speicher und Netze braucht die Energiewende?
- Momir Tabakovic (2016)
Smart Cities Education as Mobility, Energy & ICT Hub
- Momir Tabakovic (2016)
Smart Grids at the University AS Technikum Vienna
- Momir Tabakovic (2016)
Status and outlook for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) in relation to educational needs in the BIPV sector
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner (2016)
EU-ASCIN - Projektpräsentation
- Momir Tabakovic (2015)
EU-ASCIN - Projektpräsentation
- Momir Tabakovic (2015)
EU-ASCIN - Projektpräsentation
- Momir Tabakovic (2014)
European Academic Smart Cities Network
- Momir Tabakovic, Harald Wahl, Hubert Fechner, Darya Bululukova, Mathias Ballner, Sandra Allmayer, Peter Franz, Günter Essl (2014)
Increase industry cooperation in post graduate education via OpenLab’s and MobileLab’s in South Africa
- Momir Tabakovic, Marc-Oliver Otto, Walter Commerell, Csilla Csapo, Herman Vermaak (2020)
- Smart Education and e-Learning 2020
Development and Implementation of BIPV Courseware for Higher Education and Professionals
- Momir Tabakovic (2019)
- Smart Education and e-Learning
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards "Net Zero Energy Buildings" Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
- Simon Schneider, Nadja Bartlmä, Jens Leibold, Petra Schöfmann, Momir Tabakovic, Thomas Zelger (2019)
- REAL CORP 2019
New assessment method for buildings and districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings" compatible with the energy scenario 2050
- Simon Schneider, Nadja Bartlmä, Jens Leibold, Petra Schöffmann, Momir Tabakovic, Thomas Zelger (2019)
- Corp, pp. 10
THEBAVOL: Anwendungen und Grenzen der THErmischen BAuteilaktivierung im großVOLumigen Geschoßbau
- Thomas Zelger, Hubert Fechner, R. Setznagel, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Austria 2017
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner, Kurt Leonhartsberger (2018)
- IEA- International Energy Agency
National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Austria 2016
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner, Kurt Leonhartsberger (2017)
Review of the BIPV market and education needs in the field - Framework and Requirements' Analysis
- Wilfried van Sark, Atse Louwen, George Geourghiou, George Makrides, Eliza Loucaidou, Monica Ioannidou, Hubert Fechner, Momir Tabakovic, Ingrid Weiss, Sofia Arancón (2016)
National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in Austria 2015
- Momir Tabakovic, Hubert Fechner, Kurt Leonhartsberger (2015)
Direct conversion of waste heat into electric energy by thermoelectric generators
- Momir Tabakovic (2018)