DI Thomas Mandl
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Coherent diffractive imaging of proteins and viral capsids: simulating MS SPIDOC
- Thomas Kierspel, Alan Kadek, Perdita Barran, Bruno Bellina, Adi Bijedic, Maxim N. Brodmerkel, Jan Commandeur, Carl Caleman, Tomislav Damjanovic, Ibrahim Dawod, Emiliano De Santis, Alexandros Lekkas, Kristina Lorenzen, Luis López Morillo, Thomas Mandl, Erik G. Marklund, Dimitris Papanastasiou, Lennart A. I. Ramakers, Lutz Schweikhard, Florian Simke, Anna Sinelnikova, Athanasios Smyrnakis, Nicusor Timneanu, Charlotte Uetrecht (2023)
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, pp. 12
Protein orientation in time-dependent electric fields: orientation before destruction
- Anna Sinelnikova, Thomas Mandl, Harald Agelii, Oscar Grånäs, Erik G. Marklund, Carl Caleman, Emiliano De Santis (2021)
- Biophysical Journal
Structural Heterogeneity in Single Particle Imaging Using X-ray Lasers
- Thomas Mandl, Christofer Östlin, Ibrahim E. Dawod, Maxim N. Brodmerkel, Erik G. Marklund, Andrew V. Martin, Nicusor Timneanu, Carl Caleman (2020)
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Reproducibility in the unfolding process of protein induced by an external electric field
- Thomas Mandl, Anna Sinelnikova, Christofer Östlin, Oscar Grånäs, Maxim N. Brodmerkel, Erik G. Markl, Carl Caleman (2020)
- Chemical Science
Optimizing higher education for the professional student. The example of Computer Science education at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Robert Pucher, Gerd Holweg, Thomas Mandl, Benedikt Salzbrunn (2015)
- Digital Universities. International Best Practices and Applications
Improving Didactics in Computer Science - The Example of the GEMIS and the QUADRO Projects
- Robert Pucher, Michael Tesar, Thomas Mandl, Gerd Holweg, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2011)
- International Journal of Education and Information Technologies
Functional electrical stimulation of long-term denervated, degenerated human skeletal muscle: estimating activation using T2-parameter magnetic resonance imaging methods
- Thomas Mandl, Martin Meyerspeer, Martin Reichel, Helmut Kern, Christian Hofer, Winfried Mayr, Ewald Moser (2008)
- Artif Organs
Effects of functional electrical stimulation in denervated thigh muscles of paraplegic patients mapped with T2 imaging
- Martin Meyerspeer, Thomas Mandl, Martin Reichel, Winfried Mayr, Christian Hofer, Helmut Kern, Ewald Moser (2008)
Teaching & Learning Analytics for Data-Based Optimization of Teaching and Learning Processes in Courses with Blended Learning
- Lars Mehnen, Birgit Pohn, Matthias Blaickner, Thomas Mandl, Isabel Dregely (2022)
- 2022 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2022, pp. 5
Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student – The Example of Computer Science Education at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Robert Pucher, Gerd Holweg, Thomas Mandl, Benedikt Salzbrunn (2015)
- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student (GUIDE) 2015
GEMIS and QUADRO - Two Projects to Improve Didactics in Computer Science
- Robert Pucher, Michael Tesar, Thomas Mandl, Gerd Holweg, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2010)
- Proceedings of the IEEEAM International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS), Malta
10-th Vienna international workshop on functionalelectrostimulation and 15th IFESS Annual Conference
- Thomas Mandl, Johannes Martinek, Manfred Bijak, Hermann Lanmüller, Winfried Mayr, Markus Pichler (2010)
- Proceedings / Center for Medical Physicsand Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna / Vienna Medical School / ISBN 3-900928-09-5 / 388 S.
Gender Mainstreaming in Informatics Related Studies. An Experience Report
- Thomas Mandl, Susanne Schwanzer, Robert Pucher (2010)
- Proceedings of the 17th EDiNEB International Conference / June 9th-11th 2010 / Thames Valley University London (UK) / ISBN: 978-90-813727-3-2
Towards a numerical 3D model of Functional Electrical Stimulation of denervated, degenerated human skeletal muscle
- Thomas Mandl, Johannes Martinek, Winfried Mayr, Frank Rattay, Martin Reichel (2009)
- Proceedings of the 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium
Coupling Effects in the Bidomain Model of Functional Electrical Stimulation
- Johannes Martinek, Thomas Mandl, Winfried Mayr, Frank Rattay, Martin Reichel (2009)
- Proceedings of the 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium
Development of modeling functional electrical stimulation in denervated muscle
- Martin Reichel, Johannes Martinek, Thomas Mandl, Winfried Mayr, Frank Rattay (2007)
- Proceedings of the 9th Vienna international workshop on functional electrostimulation
Organization and Monitoring of Student Placements in the World of Work
- Thomas Mandl (2017)
Optimizing Higher Education for the Professional Student – The Example of Computer Science Education at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
- Robert Pucher, Gerd Holweg, Thomas Mandl, Benedikt Salzbrunn (2015)
GEMIS and QUADRO - Two Projects to Improve Didactics in Computer Science
- Robert Pucher, Michael Tesar, Thomas Mandl, Gerd Holweg, Fritz Schmöllebeck (2010)
R&D Projects and E-Learning to improve students motivation
- Alexander Hofmann, Michael Tesar, Robert Pucher, Markus Schordan, Thomas Mandl, Christian Kaufmann (2010)
GEMIS: Gender Mainstreaming in Informatics Related Studies. An Experience Report
- Thomas Mandl, Susanne Schwanzer, Robert Pucher (2010)
FE-Modellierung für Implantate als Alternative zur transkutanen Elektrostimulation des langzeitdenervierten Oberschenkels
- Thomas Mandl, Fahdi Dohnal, Yvonne Stickler, Johannes Martinek, Martin Reichel, Winfried Mayr, Frank Rattay (2006)