DI Thomas Zelger
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards "Net Zero Energy Buildings" Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
New assessment method for buildings and districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings" compatible with the energy scenario 2050
Way to positive energy districts in Vienna
Energy Building Stock Simulation and Planning for Small Municipalities - A Web-based Urban Energy System Model for Potential Analysis and Citizen Participation
State of play and future of small-town urban buildings guided by an energy-autonomy vision statement: consumption, calculation and potential embedded in Smart City Demo Way2Smart
Combining bottom-up and top-down approaches to converge heterogeneous building data into a homogenous, interactive and expandable energy autonomy platform
Korneuburgs way2smart - mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
Way2Smart Korneuburg: Start Up in eine sozial verträgliche, energieautonome Smart City
Smart City Leoben: Stela – Smart Tower Enhancement Leoben Austria Endbericht
THEBAVOL: Anwendungen und Grenzen der THErmischen BAuteilaktivierung im großVOLumigen Geschoßbau
Smart City MIKROQUARTIERE - Energie- und lebensqualitätsoptimierte Planung und Modernisierung von Smart City-Quartieren
Projekt SC- Mikroquartiere - Modellierung verschiedener Nachverdichtungsszenarien und Optimierung bezüglich erneuerbarer Energieversorgung und der Lebensqualität der NutzerInnen
Smart City Micro Quarters
Korneuburgs way2smart – mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
Korneuburgs way2smart - mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction