DI Thomas Zelger
Senior Lecturer/Researcher
New Assessment Method for Buildings and Districts towards "Net Zero Energy Buildings" Compatible with the Energy Scenario 2050
- Simon Schneider, Nadja Bartlmä, Jens Leibold, Petra Schöfmann, Momir Tabakovic, Thomas Zelger (2019)
- REAL CORP 2019
New assessment method for buildings and districts towards “Net Zero Energy Buildings" compatible with the energy scenario 2050
- Simon Schneider, Nadja Bartlmä, Jens Leibold, Petra Schöffmann, Momir Tabakovic, Thomas Zelger (2019)
- Corp, pp. 10
Way to positive energy districts in Vienna
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Jens Leibold, Thomas Zelger, Nadja Bartlmä, Peter Holzer, Petra Schöffmann (2019)
- Mission Innovation Austria
Energy Building Stock Simulation and Planning for Small Municipalities - A Web-based Urban Energy System Model for Potential Analysis and Citizen Participation
- Simon Schneider, Thomas Zelger, Pierre Laurent (2018)
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems - Volume 1: SMARTGREENS
State of play and future of small-town urban buildings guided by an energy-autonomy vision statement: consumption, calculation and potential embedded in Smart City Demo Way2Smart
- Simon Schneider, Thomas Zelger, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
- BauZ! 2018 In Betrieb gesetzt! - Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen
Combining bottom-up and top-down approaches to converge heterogeneous building data into a homogenous, interactive and expandable energy autonomy platform
- Simon Schneider, Thomas Zelger, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
- BauZ! 2018 In Betrieb gesetzt! - Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen
Korneuburgs way2smart - mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Pierre Laurent, Thomas Zelger, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Hildegund Figl (2017)
- Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society (REAL CORP 2017 - PANTA RHEI)
Way2Smart Korneuburg: Start Up in eine sozial verträgliche, energieautonome Smart City
- Thomas Zelger, E. Kerschbaum, H. Figl, V. Huemer-Kals, R. Gutmann, E. Gruber, U. Schneider, J. Obermayer, B. Fürst, N. Dürk, K. Kloiber, M. Ornetzeder, L. Capari (2018)
Smart City Leoben: Stela – Smart Tower Enhancement Leoben Austria Endbericht
- Heimo Berghold, H. Gangoly, G. Reisenhofer, Thomas Zelger, F. Heisinger (2018)
THEBAVOL: Anwendungen und Grenzen der THErmischen BAuteilaktivierung im großVOLumigen Geschoßbau
- Thomas Zelger, Hubert Fechner, R. Setznagel, Momir Tabakovic (2018)
Smart City MIKROQUARTIERE - Energie- und lebensqualitätsoptimierte Planung und Modernisierung von Smart City-Quartieren
- V. Huemer-Kals, Thomas Zelger, Jens Leibold, M. Fellner, Andreas Kleboth, I. Granzow, A. Storch, W. Schieder, A. Fleischhacker (2018)
Projekt SC- Mikroquartiere - Modellierung verschiedener Nachverdichtungsszenarien und Optimierung bezüglich erneuerbarer Energieversorgung und der Lebensqualität der NutzerInnen
- Jens Leibold, Thomas Zelger (2018)
Smart City Micro Quarters
- Thomas Zelger, Jens Leibold, V. Huemer-Kals (2018)
Korneuburgs way2smart – mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Pierre Laurent, Thomas Zelger, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Hildegrund Figl (2017)
Korneuburgs way2smart - mobility concept, energy platform and social interaction
- Momir Tabakovic, Simon Schneider, Pierre Laurent, Thomas Zelger, Elisabeth Kerschbaum, Hildegund Figl (2017)