DI Ursula Knaack, MSc.
- Bachelor program ‘Technical Chemistry’, TU Vienna
- 2007: Graduation (Bachelor of Science)
- Master program ‘Technical Chemistry – Biotechnology & Bioanalytics’, TU Vienna
- 2012: Graduation (Master of Science)
- Master program ‘Molecular Biology – Neuroscience’, University of Vienna
- Master program ‘Ecotoxicology & Environmental Management’, UAS Technikum Wien
- 2020: Graduation (Master of Science)
Professional Career
- 2009 – 2012 | Part-time work in science education projects, Vienna Open Lab & fForte WiT, Vienna.
- 2013/14 | Trainee program of the City of Vienna & its Enterprises, focus on environment & technology
- 2015 – 2020 | Project assistance in the project E_OS (Energy Optimization of Sludge treatment), as well as participation in public relations & environmental education, ebswien hauptkläranlage GmbH, Vienna
- since September 2020 | Lecturer in the competence field ‘Chemical Engineering & Ecotoxicology’, UAS Technikum Wien
- Chemistry, focusing on environmental chemistry & biochemistry
- Ecotoxicology
- Sustainability & life cycle management
- Environmental education & science communication