Support for Prospective Students

The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien pursues the goals of increasing the diversity among the students and the accessability to university studies with various programs.

The accumulated experience of institutions from the higher education sector has shown that a diverse group of students performs even more successfully than a homogeneous group.

Each person develops a wide range of skills based on their educational background and individual experiences. If all the different individuals meet during their studies, the students can complement each other both socially and professionally thanks to the multitude of facets, enabling them to better support each other.

Particularly important in this respect are students with professional experience and people whose educational paths to university go beyond pure school education. In addition to the targeted promotion of women for access to technical degree programs, diversity can be increased allowing access for professionally qualified people without formal university admission requirements.

Refresher Courses

Free Preparatory Courses for First-Year Students.

Preparatory courses are offered for first-year students at UAS Technikum Wien who want an extra boost in mathematics, physics, computer science, electrical engineering, English or German before they start their studies. These courses are free, but registration is required. It is possible to start these courses at any time!

Warmup-Kurse am Technikum

Studying Without A General Qualification for University Entrance

Studierende am Technikum

Interested parties without a general qualification for university entrance also have the opportunity to study at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien:

  • If you have relevant professional training (such as a relevant apprenticeship/BMS degree/at least three successfully completed years of HTL and the approval from the respective Head of the Degree Program) and have reached the age of 18, you can take a qualification examination. 
  • It is also possible via the university entrance qualification or the vocational matriculation examination.